English description
Maister na poti
Maister na poti je tematsko zamišljen geolov, katerega teoretična podlaga je Maistrova virtualna pot: https://www.rudolfmaister.si/ Zakladi so postavljeni kot posamezne postaje v krajih z zemljevida Maistrove virtualne poti: na Ptuju, v Trebnjem, Kostanjevici na Krki, Kamniku, Mengšu, Kranju, Ljubljani, na Uncu pri Rakeku, na gradu Snežnik, v Celju, Mariboru, Dravogradu, Libeličah in na Zavrhu v Slovenskih goricah. Sledi in zaklade o Maistru lahko odkrijete zunaj na prostem, v muzejih, knjižnicah ter morda še kje, kar vam niti v sanjah ne bi prišlo na misel.
Maistrov portret, Ciril Horjak.
Maistrovo pot lahko začnete na kateri koli postaji in jo tudi nadaljujete na kateri koli, vrstni red ni pomemben. Na tej poti boste odkrivali, kdo je bil general in pesnik Rudolf Maister ter kako pomembno vlogo je odigral v zgodovini Slovencev. Morda le še dvoje: ali ste vedeli, da je Maister zarisal nove meje na zemljevidu Evrope po prvi svetovni vojni oz. veliki vojni; ali ste vedeli, da je Maister postavil temelje današnji slovenski državi?!
Rudolf Maister na Snežniku
General Rudolf Maister je bil med letoma 1921 in 1923 predsednik jugoslovanske razmejitvene komisije na meji med Kraljevino SHS in Kraljevino Italijo, kot jo je določila mirovna pogodba med državama, sklenjena 12. novembra 1920 v Rapallu. Razmejitvena črta med Mangartom na severozahodu in Reko na jugovzhodu je potekala v bližini gradu Snežnik, kjer je v času svojega mandata bival general Maister. Bivalne in delovne prostore si je uredil v drugem nadstropju gradu. Hermann von Schöenburg-Waldenburg, lastnik posestva in gradu Snežnik, mu v svojih spominih ni bil ravno naklonjen, opisal ga je namreč kot »mariborsko hijeno«. Morda pa si je po nekaj medsebojnih obiskovanjih premislil?
Grad Snežnik 2020, foto: Zora Torkar.
V vseh zakladih je žig in kdor bi jih želel zbirati za sledljivčka, si lahko natisne brošuro (klikni za prenos).
Opozorilo: Kot lastnik zaklada zagotavljam, da je ta datoteka na povezavi varna za prenos. Geocaching HQ ali pregledovalec ni preveril morebitne zlonamerne vsebine. Datoteko prenašate na lastno odgovornost.
Maister on his way
Maister on His Way is a thematically conceived geocaching hunt, the theoretical basis of which is Maister's virtual journey: https://www.rudolfmaister.si/. The treasures are placed in the form of individual stations in the locations from the map of Maister's virtual path: in Ptuj, Trebnje, Kostanjevica na Krki, Kamnik, Mengeš, Kranj, Ljubljana, Unec pri Rakeku, Snežnik Castle, Celje, Maribor, Dravograd, Libeliče and Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah. You can discover Maister's tracks and treasures outdoors, in museums, libraries, and perhaps in some other places that you would never have thought you would.
Maistr's portrait, Ciril Horjak.
You can start Maister's journey at any station and also continue it at any other, the order is not important. On this journey, you will discover who the general and poet Rudolf Maister was and how important a role he played in the history of the Slovenians. Just two more points: did you know that Maister drew new borders on the map of Europe after World War I, also known as the Great War; did you know that Maister laid the foundations of today's Slovenian state?!
Rudolf Maister in Snežnik
Between 1921 and 1923, General Rudolf Maister chaired the Yugoslav boundary commission on the border between the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the Kingdom of Italy, as it had been delineated by the peace treaty between the two states, signed on 12 November 1920 in Rapallo. The demarcation line between Mangart in the northwest and Rijeka in the southeast ran near Snežnik Castle, where General Maister resided during his term of office. He set up his temporary residence and office on the second floor of the castle. Hermann von Schöenburg-Waldenburg, the owner of the estate and Snežnik Castle, was not exactly taken with him if his memoirs are anything to go by, describing Maister as the “Hyena of Maribor”. Perhaps he changed his mind after a few rendezvous?!
Snežnik Castle, photo: Zora Torkar.
You will find stamps in caches. In case you want to collect them for a trackable, print the leaflet (click to download).
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