One of life's lessons Multi-Cache
Frugalmeister: Sorry, thought I had archived this one earlier. Thanks to all that tried.
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This is a multi-cache in popular John Chestnut Park. It is one of our favorite places to go and enjoy the views.
You always hear quirky sayings about things in life, such as the early bird gets the worm, carpe diem, etc.
This cache is one of those life lessons, something my late grandfather always used to say to me and my family.
As of March 5, 2003, I have updated the clues to simply this cache. Either the rangers or wild animals were taking the containers. The Hours and Minutes of all the locations will remain the same. Only the Seconds will change.
The coordinates above are for the information sign. Please take a minute at the sign and obtain the following information:
- Phone number for the park
- The number of Shelters
- The number of Restrooms
- The mininum age for a fishing license
- The length of Lake Tarpon
Let's go to the second location coordinates!
Start down the shell path and find the length of the trail.
Take the length of the trail. Divide it by the number of shelters. Round off the result to a whole number and subtract the sum all of the numbers of the Phone number for the park (including the area code). Subtract that number from the last three digits of the starting Latitude.
For the Longitude, add together the number of shelters and the mininum age for a fishing license. Add that sum to the last three digits of the starting Longitude and go to the next location. Look for a plaque and enjoy the view.
For the final location please complete the following calculation:
Add the number of restrooms to the starting latitude for the final latitude coordinates.
Sum the numbers of the year, found on the plaque at location #2. Add that number to the sum of the telephone numbers and subtract the length of Lake Tarpon. Add that sum to the final three digits of the original longitude for the final coordinates.
For the final cache location, it is highly recommended an adult retrieve the cache. Look at your elevation reading. Subtract about 6 to 8 feet, depending on how tall you are to get the cache. You will not be able to see the cache, but you will be able to retreive the cache. (I sort of bent the placement rules on this one!)
Email me the saying on the container for credit. No email, no credit.
Additional Hints
- Frira gjb frira, fvk fvk avar, bar avar svir bar
- Guvegrra
- Rvtug
- Fvkgrra
- Svir zvyrf
Ybbx haqre "WU"