Honey hole: a secret spot that has yielded mushrooms. Their locations are carefully guarded by foragers. But as a cacher I'm breaking the rules!
The Cap
- This is a lab bonus cache you can find by completing the "Honey Hole: Oyster" adventure lab (link)
- Accessible only by boat
- Collect the clue inside for the bonus cache for the series
The Gills
- Coordinates for this cache are displayed on the final lab stage success screen
- Beginner-level paddle on flat water
- The puzzle at each lab stage involves making a word using the letters in "OYSTER"
- Letters can't be reused
Here's practice puzzle so you know what's in store

Make a word using the letters in OYSTER based on this image (4) <--letters in word
You can validate your puzzle solution with
The Mushroom
Oyster mushrooms were one of the first types I was able to find and identify as a newbie forager. They have a soft floppy texture and distinctive well-defined gills under their cap. They like to grow near the water on downed logs, or sometimes on damaged sections of living trees. They can pop up year-round.
Kayaking isn't ideal for mushroom foraging, but I have made a few finds while paddling (the image above is from last year on this paddle). They are good eating! Oysters are also readily available at the Asian supermarkets in the area. If you don't plan on eating what you find (and you shouldn't eat anything unless certain of your identification of it), please leave them in situ. Photos encouraged!
Cell coverage can be spotty. I picked places where I was getting decent reception. It would be best to keep the lab app open as you paddle.
Links to caches in the series