Area of the cache is only open on sundays for hikers without bikes or dogs. Please respect that rules.
For this cache you need a Wherigo capable GPS device or smartphone. The cartridge is available here.
The cache starts at the listed coordinates.
Try to find the missing numbers to add it to the 6-digit codes
The wooden Sign has how many letters = A
There are locks at the gate, how many = B
On the back side of the gate there are two white signs, on the smaller, how many words = C
On the back side of the gate look at the bigger sign, what you can find D=? Car=1, Cow=2, Weapon=3
Now you have the start code for the "reverse cache box" which does not show you any coordinates, only the distance to the final / geocache.
The task is to ask about the distance as seldom as possible and to find the geocache only with the help of this distance information.
At the beginning of the wherigo you have to enter the code (the three 6-digit numbers) into your GPS or smartphone.
Please take it with you on your adventure, as you may need it if the GPS should ever crash.
When you reach the final, you will receive a small statistic about your adventure.