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Geocaching HQ Admin: Thank you for hosting this geocaching Event! The date of the Event has passed. We automatically archive Events after 30 days (60 days for Mega- and Giga-Events). Attendees can still log archived Events, log trackables, and share their experiences.

Hidden : Friday, 11 August 2023
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

11 August 2023, 14:30 - 16:00


Bem-Vindo à Oliveira de Frades.

Os recantos deste concelho são encantos para o corpo e para a máquina fotográfica. As paisagens são verdadeiros cenários paradisíacos onde os verdes se misturam e confundem, com os rios e ribeiros que definem a paisagem.

Oliveira de Frades vão deixar-te bem apaixonado, sentirás a força da vida, da natureza e da comunidade de Geocaching. Uns estarão a explorar os trilhos, outros a viver aventuras aquáticas, bastantes ficarão sentados à mesa com os mimos e prazeres únicos que esta região oferece, garantindo muita satisfação mesmo aos paladares mais exigentes.

Há ainda os recantos do passado, bem conservados e apreciados... afinal, Oliveira de Frades recebe visitas ao longo de milhares de anos!

Tu és o próximo neste 7º Mega Evento Love Love! 


Welcome to Oliveira de Frades.

The corners of this county are delights for the body and the camera. The landscapes are true paradisiacal scenarios where the greens mix and mingle with the rivers and streams that define the landscape.
Oliveira de Frades will leave you in love, you will feel the force of life, nature and the Geocaching community. Some go exploring the trails, others experiencing aquatic adventures, quite a few sitting at the table with the unique treats and pleasures that this region offers, guaranteeing great satisfaction even for the most demanding palates.

There are still corners of the past, well preserved and appreciated... after all, Oliveira de Frades has received visitors over thousands of years!

You're next in this 7th Love Love Mega Event!


Additional Hints (No hints available.)