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This cache has been archived.

Geocaching HQ Admin: Thank you for hosting this geocaching Event! The date of the Event has passed. We automatically archive Events after 30 days (60 days for Mega- and Giga-Events). Attendees can still log archived Events, log trackables, and share their experiences.

Hidden : Saturday, 12 August 2023
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

12 August 2023, 19:00 - 20:00

Acest eveniment face parte din GeoQuest XV.
This event is part of GeoQuest XV.
Ez az esemény a GeoQuest XV része.


Ne dedicăm toată activitatea pentru a conserva patrimoniul natural este misiunea declarată a echipei Milvus. Este o misiune foarte frumoasă dar și foarte grea datorită conjuncturii în care trăim. În timpul GeoQuest-ului vom intra în contact direct cu munții și vom putea vedea efectul omului asupra naturii. Haideți, în data de 12 august de la ora 19.00, să-i ascultăm și să învățăm câte ceva despre conservarea naturii de la cei care au ca activitate de bază acest lucru, plus să-i întrebăm ce i-a determinat să ascundă cutii fără să fie jucători activi. 


"We are commmitted to safeguarding our natural heritage" is the declared mission of the Milvus Team. It is a very beautiful mission but at the same time a difficult one, due to the situation of the world we live in. During the GeoQuest weekend we will come into direct contact with the mountains, and we will see the effect of man over nature. Join us, on the 12th of August at 19.00 hours, listen to the Milvus Team and learn about nature conservation from those whose main activity is protecting Earth. We'll ask about what determined them to hide caches without being active players.


„Elkötelezettek vagyunk természeti örökségünk megőrzése iránt” – ez a Milvus csapat deklarált küldetése. Ez nagyon szép és jó, de egy nagyon nehéz küldetés a Földön jelenleg úralkodó helyzet miatt. A Geoquest során közvetlen kapcsolatba kerülünk a természettel, ezen belül a hegyekkel, és láthatjuk az ember természetre gyakorolt ​​hatását. Gyertek el augusztus 12-én 19.00 órától, és hallgassuk meg és tanuljunk valamit azoktól akiknek a természetvédelem a fő küldetésük. Emelett, kérdezzük meg, mi késztette őket, hogy dobozokat rejtsenek anélkül, hogy közben aktív játékosok legyenek.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

zvyihf naq trbpnpuvat

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)