Where the 'Wild Things Are' Traditional Cache
SkynSea: Due to heavy poison oak and lots of caches already in the area we are going to look for a new spot for the 'wild things'
Where the 'Wild Things Are'
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Easy hike in- child and dog friendly but not bike friendly. KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR POISON OAK-.
The lower arroyo is home to many animals. On the walk in you are sure to see some of the more common ones: dogs, horses, squirrels.
This cache is home to some of the wilder animals. (mostly of the plush variety, but also plastic, and others) When you come to visit please bring another wild animal to exchange.(let your imagination guide you-anything animal is ok)
The area is called 'Camel's Hump' there used to be two humps but one was used during construction (at least according to the urban ledgends people keep telling me)
Additional Hints
[GPS coverage was a little spotty this will help-spoiler] Ng gur onfr bs gur uvyy ba gur Ebfr objy fvqr- qba'g yrg gur ynpx bs n pyrne fvtany yrnir lbh "fghzcrq"-nobhg rdhny qvfgnapr orgjrra gur gjb genvyf.