Leap into caching action!
Or keep leaping, if you've already been caching for hours by this time. When I wrote this up, there were already three early-morning Leap Day events (very spread out, and none near here, with one being in Woodbridge and two in MD) plus a MEGA in TX. No conflicts there, LOL!
Hop on by with your friends, family, neighbors, kiddos, geo-curious pickleball buddies, whatever. Bring trackables to show off or move along. Tell tall tales of previous Leap Day action. We all understand, given it's such a special day, if you just pop in and are too cache-itchy to stay long.
Event is being held midday *INSIDE* - in the Worldgate lobby*, between the Weird Bros./Panera entrance and the movie theatre. Eat or drink or don't; BYO or buy; up to you. No obligation.
First folks to arrive, please try to get the paired groups of comfy chairs with the low tables.
New year, new naming. Going for alliteration, weird words, etc.: puns; silly stuff; names that help with older (grandfathered!) challenge caches. Not necessarily challenges this CO has signed, either ;)
Some challenges that could be helped by this event include:
* "LOL" palindrome (3+ letters): https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC46M55 in Iowa
* "dog": https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC3BABQ in California; some animal-named caches (see below)
* "moose": https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5M43H in Colorado; ditto
* "lizard": https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4Y2TC_reptiles-amphibians-challenge; ditto
* "lizardman": https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC59177_the-cryptid-challenge in California
* various general animal-themed challenges, such as https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5KQP8_a-day-at-the-zoo-rm-challenge-96 in Florida, https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4C8PP_arkansas-animal-crackers-challenge in Arkansas, https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5ADDT_caching-with-the-animals-challenge in Mississippi
* "lily": https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5GG7Z_cgcc-018-30-plant-caches-challenge in Arizona
* "+": various punctuation-themed challenges, including https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC435B8 in Colorado
* alliterations/tautograms: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC47M9H in Oregon, https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC51QNW_tautogram-challenge in Minnesota, etc.
Various places here to get food; no purchase required.
Pets likely not allowed inside the lobby (sorry!).
Snow/ice notice: If the roads are bad enough that the CO can't shovel out and get here (Prius!), event will be cancelled so consider putting a watch or Will Attend.
This is an INDOOR event in a good-sized space with high ceiling and good airflow. Still, if you're sick or think you're coming down with something, please think of us fondly but from a distance and join us instead at a future event.
Background image from the bizarro AI world of Stable Diffusion