Jackie's Airport Restaurant
4524 N Clare Ave, Harrison, MI 48625
This will be new series of events called "Have you ever eaten here before?" highlighting restaurants we have never eaten at before. Whats the fun in eating at a restaurant you have eaten before? You don't go to a cache to find it and come back later to claim it. Geocaching is all about being adventurous so give a new restaurant a try. Though I have been to some that had a diffulculty of 5 after the fact.
So join us for a 1/2 hour or longer of geochat and tell us about some your upcoming plans this summer. Ours includes a week of cachng in the U.P. this May in our new travel trailer.
No purchase of food or drink is required just your backside to sit in a chair while we swap caching stories which I find are alot like like fishing stories. Each time that caching story is told, the cache gets harder to find or deeper into woods or that river moving a little faster.