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PP - REKA UNICA / UNICA RIVER Traditional Cache

Hidden : 08/24/2024
2.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

SI: Planinsko polje je šolski primer kraškega polja, saj na eni strani izvira reka, na drugi strani pa ponikne. Samo polje je dolgo 5km in široko okoli 2,5km, po njem pa v meandrih teče reka Unica. Polje leži na 450 m nadmorske višine, ter se razteza na skoraj 11 km2 površine, ter sega v tri občine – Logatec, Postojna in Cerknica. Je najnižje ležeče polje Notranjskega podolja, katero je večkrat letno tudi poplavljeno. Voda na polje prihaja iz treh različnih virov – reke Unice, Malenščice in hudourniškega rokava reke Rak - Škratovka.  Na polju pa najdemo tudi endemit kraških polj, travniška modra čebulica – Scilla (lat. Scilla litardierei) saj je to njeno najbolj severozahodno rastišče. Prav tako pa na polju, kjer gnezdijo, najdemo kosca (lat. Crex crex) (ogrožena ptica), pisano penico (lat. Sylvia nisoria), rjavega srakoperja (lat. Lanius collurio ) in vodomca (lat. Alcedo atthis). Prav zaradi teh naravnih posebnosti je Planinsko polje uvrščeno v območje Natura 2000, njegove geomorfološke posebnosti pa so naravna vrednota državnega pomena.

Ob robu Planinskega polja je nastalo tudi več naselij, največje med njimi je Planina, poleg te pa še Laze, Jakovica, Grčarevec in Liplje.

Serija zakladkov po Planinskem polju vas bo popeljala na ogled znanih in manj znanih posebnosti.

Določeni zakladki vsebujejo tudi bonus številke, ki vas za zaključek peljejo na še eno skrito točko Planinskega polja.


EN: Planinsko polje or Planina field is a school example of a karst field, as the river emerge on one side and sinks on the other side. The field itself is 5 km long and 2.5 km wide, and the river Unica flows through it in meanders. Field lies 450 meters above sea level and extends over an area of 11 km2. The field spreads over three municipalities – Logatec, Postojna and Cerknica. It is the lowest lying field over the system of field in the Notranjska area. Several times in a year, the filed is flooded and transformed into a lake. The water in the filed comes from three different sources – river Unica, stream Malenščica and the torrential arm of the river Rak – Škratovka. On the field we can observe endemic flower of the karst fields - Scilla litardierei - Meadow Sea bulb. This field is its northwesternmost habitat. Beside that, on Planina field we can find the corn crake (crex crex) (which is an endangered species), barred warbler (Sylvia nisoria), Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) and common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis). All this natural specific, the Planina field is part of Natura 2000, the geomorfological feature of the field are part of natural value of national importance.

On the edge of the field, during time emerge also some villages and settlements. The biggest among them are Planina, other are Laze, Jakovica, Grčarevec and Liplje.

This series of the caches about Planina field will take you on the sightseeing some of the specialties.

Some caches also contain bonus numbers, which leads you to another beautiful, but somehow hidden spot of Planina field.



SI: Unica je vsega skupaj dolga 10km in je del kraškega porečja reke Ljubljanice – eno izmed sedmerih imen reke. Reka Unica na dan priteče iz Planinske jame, ter se počasi vije do ponorov na drugi strani polja, kjer ponikne pod stenami. Vseh požiralnikov na severovzhodnem delu polja je preko 150. Reka, ki spomladi in jeseni prestopi svoje bregove, poplavi polje, ter ga spremeni v jezero. Najvišje voda sega 10m nad nivo polja, vsega skupaj pa se nabere za 40 milijonov m3 vode. Ko je reka v svoji strugi, je to zelo počasna in mirna reka, priljubljena za ribolov, v njej pa se je možno tudi prijetno ohladiti.


EN: River Unica is 10 km long and the river itself is part of the river Ljubljanica basin. Also called one of the seven names of river Ljubljanica. Unica flows from Planina cave, and then slowly flows through the field, makes meanders through the other side of the field, where the river sinks.  On the northeastern side of the field there are in total over 150 sinkholes. Normally, in the spring and in the autumn, the river floods, and change the field into an intermittent lake. The highest water in field is above 10meter higher than normally and the temporary lake consist about 40 million m3 of water. When the river is in her riverbed, it is very peacefully and slowly flows.That was it is popular for fishing. In the summertime is also nice for some refreshment. 


Additional Hints (Decrypt)

evobybi, 5 / svfuvat, 5

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)