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Meet & Greet São Miguel Event Cache

Hidden : Wednesday, 02 October 2024
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Geocache Description:

02 October 2024, 18:00 - 18:30

Da wir gerne von unseren Reisen Postkarten verschicken, möchten wir zum Welttag der Postkarte hier in unserem Urlaub einen kleinen Event abhalten und dabei Einheimische und auch Urlauber begrüssen und uns ein wenig über unser schönes Hobby austauschen.

Como gostamos de enviar postais das nossas viagens, gostaríamos de organizar um pequeno evento aqui nas nossas férias para assinalar o Dia Mundial dos Postais e cumprimentar os habitantes locais e os turistas e conversar um pouco sobre o nosso maravilhoso passatempo.(traduzido com DeepL)

As we like to send postcards from our journeys, we would like to hold a small event here on our holiday to celebrate World Postcard Day and greet locals and visitors alike and chat a little about our wonderful hobby. (translated with the aid of DeepL)

Additional Hints (No hints available.)