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2 - Convívio de Natal#TeamSilvas Event Cache

This cache has been archived.

Geocaching HQ Admin: Thank you for hosting this geocaching Event! The date of the Event has passed. We automatically archive Events after 30 days (60 days for Mega- and Giga-Events). Attendees can still log archived Events, log trackables, and share their experiences.

Hidden : Saturday, 14 December 2024
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

14 December 2024, 9:45 - 10:15

Convívio de Natal

TeamSilvas convida todos os geocacheres para mais um evento com muita animação.

Tema: Convívio de Natalwink

Trás o teu adereço de natal e vem partilhar os teus TB´s e as tuas aventuras GEOCACHIANAS.

O evento tem início às 9:45 e termina às 10:15.enlightened

Por perto tens onde tomar um café quentinho para aquecer o coração deste frio que ainda agora começoulaugh!

Esperamos por ti, não te atrases.yes

No final haverá um sorteio com 3 brindes.



Christmas get-together

TeamSilvas invites all geocachers to another event with lots of fun.

Theme: Natalwink Gatheringwink

Bring your Christmas ornament and come share your TBs and your GEOCACHIA adventures.

The event starts at 9:45 am and ends at 10:15 am.enlightened

Nearby you have a place to have a hot coffee to warm your heart during this cold weather that has just startedlaugh!laugh
We are waiting for you, don't be late.yes
At the end there will be a draw with 3 gifts.



Additional Hints (No hints available.)