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CITO - Neves Cache In Trash Out® Event

This cache has been archived.

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Hidden : Friday, 10 January 2025
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

CITO - Neves (english)

     Hi, we are geocachers from Czech Republic and we would like to help this beautifull island with beautifull nature stay clean. I hope that other geocachers will join us.

     We chose one of the most iconic viewpoints over Funchal, because a lot of tourists pass through here and, unfortunately, trash is often left behind. And it would be a shame for such an interesting place to be full of garbage.

We will meet at the meeting place at 8am and there will be bags for the participants.


CITO - Neves (português)

     Olá, somos geocachers da República Checa e gostaríamos de ajudar esta bela ilha com uma natureza deslumbrante a manter-se limpa. Espero que outros geocachers se juntem a nós.

     Escolhemos um dos miradouros mais icónicos do Funchal, porque por aqui passam muitos turistas e, infelizmente, muitas vezes fica lixo para trás. E seria uma pena que um local tão interessante estivesse cheio de lixo.

     Encontrar-nos-emos no local do encontro às 8h e haverá sacos para os participantes.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)