23 January 2025, 12:00-01:30 PM
It seems that Scott Cook Park and the surrounding sections of the Stevens Creek Trail could use some help with trash cleanup. Here's a lunchtime CITO (after the nearby Event: GCB249Z) for those who need another weekday filled in and others who aren't available during the weekend. Other recent weekday CITOs have had quite a good turnout, so here's hoping a decent sized group can join in the fun!
- When: Thursday January 23, 2025 from Noon to 1:30 PM
- Where: Scott Cook Park and Stevens Creek Trail (accessible from Sleeper Park Stevens Creek Trailhead)
- Parking: there should be an adequate amount along Franklin Ave (see parking waypoint) and Sleeper Ave
- Please bring your own trash gathering equipment (e.g. grabber, gloves, bucket); I will bring some bags
- Group photo: 12:50 PM at the posted coordinates
Most of the trash is located near the posted coordinates, but there is a decent amount near the bridge to the south, as well (see waypoint). I will primarily be picking up trash near the bridge. I will have a logbook for those who want to sign, but it is not necessary to log a find. Posting pictures of trash is encouraged!