Join Friends of Banks Street Bushland Reserve to assist in weeding the banks of Enoggera Creek.
Directions from near the main reserve signboard near the Quandong Park reserve entrance.

Contractors have completed flood resilience work, however, there is plenty of weeding to be done, and plants/shrubs are required to be planted to fill in gaps in vegetation.
Suggested items to bring:
- Covered-in shoes;
- Hat and/or sunglasses;
- Sunscreen;
- Insect repellent (there may be mosquitoes about - give preference to cream or roll-on that are more environmentally friendly than the spray);
- Gloves (for weeding);
- Water, 2-3 litres (or more if it's a hot day); and
- Snacks, fruit, energy bars, etc.
Come along and work with other locals on this ongoing community project. There’s lots to do and jobs for all abilities.
In addition to the Friends of Banks Street Reserve sign-in sheet, there will be a separate sign-in area identified with a geocaching logo, so we can meet before we start the work. If there are any concerns/doubts, then feel free to message me.

Disclaimer and Notes
First to Find:
- No First to Find will be awarded for this event.
- Geocaches / Geocaching Events must comply with all applicable laws, including health and safety guidelines. As an Event Owner, I am responsible for ensuring the number of attendees is per requirements or restrictions for gatherings, which does not apply to this Event.
- Adapted from Geocaching Terms of Use.
COVID-19 mitigations:
- Hand sanitiser will be available; and
- Should an Attendee become aware that they have contracted COVID-19, then advise the CO as soon as reasonably practicable, and an announcement will be made advising everyone of this higher risk.
- This event is subject to weather, and should there by significant rain or storms forecast, then this event may be postponed due to safety reasons. Notice will be provided by Monday 3/02/2025 17:00 hr should this occur.