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Wir treffen uns in fernen Ländern Event Cache

Hidden : Wednesday, 12 February 2025
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

⛵️🏝🧭  Wir treffen uns in fernen Ländern 🧭🏝⛵️

Hexer_Kiwi und bigbenreso on Tour 


Während unserer Kreuzfahrt 🚢 "Kanaren, Madeira und Marokko "

möchten wir uns in fernen Ländern 

mit Geocachern treffen, die aus diesem Land kommen, die vielleicht das gleiche Cache-Mobil nutzen  wie wir, oder diejenigen die einfach Lust haben sich über das gemeinsame Hobby auszutauschen.

Hierfür treffen wir uns an den angegebenen Koordinaten. 

TB's dürfen gerne getauscht werden. 

Das Logbuch ist von 20.00 Uhr bid 20.30  Uhr vor Ort. 

Wir freuen uns auf Euer Kommen. 


⛵️🏝🧭 Encontramo-nos em terras distantes 🧭🏝⛵️

Hexer_Kiwi e bigbenreso em digressão 


Durante o nosso cruzeiro 🚢 “Canárias, Madeira e Marrocos”

gostaríamos de estar em terras distantes 

encontrarmo-nos com geocachers que vêm deste país, que talvez utilizem a mesma cache móvel que nós, ou que simplesmente queiram trocar ideias sobre o seu hobby comum.

Para isso encontramo-nos nas coordenadas especificadas. 

Os TB's podem ser trocados. 

O diário de bordo está no local das 20h às 20h30. 

Estamos ansiosos pela sua vinda.


⛵️🏝🧭 We meet in distant lands 🧭🏝⛵️

Hexer_Kiwi and bigbenreso on tour 


During our cruise 🚢 "Canary Islands, Madeira and Morocco"

we would like to be in distant lands 

meet with geocachers who come from this country, who perhaps use the same cache mobile as us, or those who simply want to exchange ideas about their shared hobby.

For this we meet at the specified coordinates. 

TB's are welcome to be exchanged. 

The logbook is on site from 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 

We look forward to your coming.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Oevatg thgr Ynhar zvg

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)