This CITO event is set to last for 3 hours and some attendees like to stay for the entire session, however this is not an obligation.
Please feel free to turn up whenever is convenient and just stay as long as you wish.

Parking: Is in the Alney Island Reserve car park (see waypoint). Please note you can only access it leaving Gloucester, on the westbound side of Westgate Bridge.
Where: Meet up in the car park for 09:30 to collect tools. For anyone arriving after that time, head to the CITO coords and find us working along the path.
What: Last month we started clearing the sides of Castlemeads path of encroaching scrub and brambles. Today we will continue where we left off - working our way along the path, cutting back and clearing, also removing any low hanging branches.
How: The Countryside Ranger will be there providing guidance. Please bring work gloves if possible and if you wish to use your own tools (shears, loppers, saw) please bring them along. Don't worry if you don't have tools as the Ranger will have a supply.
Health and Safety: The session and will be covered by Council insurance as long as you are working under the Countryside Ranger's instruction.
Please think about bringing a drink and maybe a snack for breaktime. Homemade cake will be available 😁