Isla Mujeres
This cache has *FOUR* waypoints, all of them statues in the
village of Isla Mujeres (very near where the ferry drops you
You may find it helpful to rent a bike, moped, or golf cart
(especially if you're going to explore the rest of the island,
which I highly recommend), but the cache is easily completed on
foot. As it involves some elementary math, a calculator would be
helpful but is not required.
*** = your answer for each part
Waypoint 1
The coordinates posted above will bring you to a beautiful statue
honoring fishermen who have been lost at sea. Take the year this
statue was erected (look at the very bottom of the plaque) and
subtract 1507.
Waypoint 2
N 21° 15.***
W 086° 45.008
You will now be in front of a statue depicting a man for whom a
Mexican state is named. Take the year he was born and subtract it
from 2640.
Waypoint 3
N 21° 15.475
W 086° 44.***
Now you’re looking at a statue of a Mayan goddess. Take the
number of letters in her name and add them to 716 to get your final
Waypoint 4
N 21° 15.414
W 086° 44.***
To claim the cache, e-mail me the NAME of the ANIMAL that is
featured in this unusual statue and the NUMBER of them that are
depicted. **Please do not post pictures of the final statue, since
doing so will give away the answer!!**
Happy hunting!