Prince Eric of the Castle Traditional Cache
erik88l-r: Cache owner hasn't logged onto the site in eleven months, so I've archived the cache for him. Thanks! erik - admin
Prince Eric of the Castle
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The Ruins of Tulum are free on Sundays. Prince Eric's there looking for Ariel, only he's looking in the wrong direction.
Prince Eric is laying low within the ancient walls of Tulum. Follow the west wall down to the southern corner. Eric's under a knee-high pile of flat rocks in a clump of short trees. You'll need to kneel to get a look - he's at ground level in a white-topped clear plastic rectangular container. Please leave Eric, but exchange some treasure. Keep in mind guides don't like people moving rocks or looking suspicious, and iguanas like to hang out in shady nooks. If you don't find Eric, then e-mail me and describe the shape of the original passage in the wall to the northwest is.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)