The Solar System - Earth Traditional Cache
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Scale model of the Solar System, using the Grouse Ridge Lookout as the Sun. This cache is fairly safe, away from the cliffs and such. Altitude 7000' +
Bring your camera!
Scale model of the Solar System - 3 of 9
Scale: 1 inch equals 5000 miles
Object: Earth
Actual size: 7,926 mi
Actual orbit: 92,957,130 mi
Scale size: 1.59 in
Scale orbit: 1,549 ft (0.29 mi)
In this model, the Grouse Ridge Lookout represents the Sun, and each cache represents the location of a planet at its scale orbit. The lookout building is the correct scale size of Sol for this model - 14.4 feet across. (Ok, so it's a square Sun, sorry!) Some caches have a reference stick - a tagged object in the cache of the correct size - but please bring a measuring tape or something to use (reference sticks keep wandering off!)
The point is to get a clear idea of the scale of our Solar system. Unlike many other scale models, Sol is visible from all the planets (although you will need binoculars from some of the outer planets!)
Most of this series lies above 7000 feet. The cache is under snow from about November to late May. If you want more info on this series of caches (including a full spoiler, so you can do the whole tour of all planets in one day with no hunting) go to the website (visit link)
Cache is at the base of a tree. View Sol from the cache location. Earth has its moon tethered to it, and the dimensions are a bit of a surprise to most people.
For a really good time, try this: Have someone hold up the moon, and you hold Earth next to your head. If you move around a bit, you will find that you can "eclipse" the Lookout.
Original cache contents:
- Logbook
- Pencil
- Planet.
Please do not remove planets! If people have left trinkets, feel free to exchange, but the original cache items should remain.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)