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A Day @ The Beach Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

The Infielders: Well, this one lasted a year. I thank all who visited this cache during the 366 days it was there. I hope you found the spot to be as pleasant as I do. Happy caching!!!! [:D]

Hidden : 05/22/2003
1 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

Very straight-forward cache but please be descreet. It's at a very popular and beautiful beach so there will be others around. THERE IS NO NEED TO GET OFF THE BOARDWALK. SO TO PROTECT THE SEA OATS, PLEASE DON'T STEP OFF THE WALKWAY. The terrain is simple and the difficulty level is easy. You have to pay to park but the pay station takes all coins (except pennies) and $1s and $5s.

I have decided on 2nd thought to leave this cache active. It's close to home and is in a great spot for locals and tourists so it's there to stay.

The cache container is a quart-size plastic jug. I've used containers like this for two other caches in the area.

I've placed this cache on my 33rd birthday, just in time for a summer of beaching. So the "theme" for this cache is things you'd need for A Day @ The Beach. You don't have to leave a beach item, since many may not fit. Travel Bugs are welcome!

I live not too far from this cache so I plan to restock it every couple of weeks. Also, this cache will be removed as needed if the threat of a hurricane/tropical storm looms on the Gulf.

Enjoy this cache and make a day of it at the beach. There are a lot of shops nearby and the legendary "Hurricane" restaurant is just up Gulf Way. If you've never been there, it's worth the short walk just to see it.

Please place it back EXACTLY WHERE YOU FOUND IT. On 3 DEC 03 I found it out in the open. It needs to be covered and within reach. DO NOT GO OFF THE BOARDWALK AS THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO GO INTO THE DUNES AND SEA OATS. Where the cache is now is totally within reach, just be descreet if others are around. Thanks and have fun.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

HAQRE gur obneqjnyx, qbja ol gur frn.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)