Soldier's Cap Traditional Cache
Rattlingcrew: This one should not be that hard to find, unfortunately I am having some health issues and will have to let it go.
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Easy cache, on Government Property. Does not require crossing the perimeter fence, which would be trespassing.
You are looking for an ammo can, 30 caliber, or 10"x3 3/4" X 7". The original contents were a policeman's prayer, four Hot Wheels, two wild erasers, six medicated bandaids (just in case), three waterballs, a pen, a pencil and a notebook. The normal geo cache sheet was also included. The background here is the Smoky Hill Bomb Range, of particular interest is the Soldier's Cap, the tallest point on the bomb range. I wish we could get permission to climb to the top, but everything on the range seems to be taboo. I thought it was the tallest in Saline County, but have learned different now. There are a pair of hills north of Brookville that are taller. I have been run off the range several times, but never arrested. I would recommend not crossing the fence. Once a year they open it to the public for a weapons display, a pretty awesome sight. This road is impossible to drive on when wet, some four wheel drives might make it, but it is very, very slick. Be sure to admire the Smoky Buttes to the southeast, it is awfully hard to imagine that Soldier's Cap is taller than the Buttes. Like always, have fun, enjoy the area and be safe! The Rattling Crew.
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Gjvfgre ernzvaf ner gur xrl!