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Potato Hill Traditional Cache

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Rattlingcrew: Seventh Son is on a roll on my caches, two in a row he found missing. This one is indeed gone. Glen

Hidden : 05/23/2003
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

A nice easy cache in a great scenic area! Do not cross the perimeter fence, reasons are well-spoken by the written signs.

You are looking for an OD green ammo can. The original contents were a policeman's prayer, three waterballs, two camp tools, six Hot Wheels, a red marker, an ink pen, a Geo Cache sheet and a notebook. This road is not passable in wet weather, it gets very, very slick, if you slide off in the ditch, especially the north one, it will be a hike to a telephone. Yours will not be the first four wheel drive to fail to return here! This area is cell-phone dead, so do not try this road with water standing in the ruts. Be sure to drive west to the dead end, the view is fantastic! It is an easy turn around in the field entrance on the south side of the road at the west end. Soldier's Cap is off to the north and the Potato Hill is just southwest. This area has some of Saline County's prettiest country, unfortunately, the Government decided they needed a bombing range here. If you are lucky enough to be in the area when the B-52s are flying, it is an awesome sight. They are much more incredible to watch sail in than the fighters to me. The Smoky Buttes are just southeast, so be sure to look around. The Smoky Buttes include the Coronado Heights! As always, be safe, have fun and enjoy the area! The Rattling Crew.

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