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Diego Garcia B.I.O.T. Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Balayang: The situation here has been reviewed again.

Sufficient time has elapsed since the issues were highlighted, and nothing has been done to restore it.

Circumstances that prevent timely maintenance can arise, and ample opportunity for the Cache Owner to get in touch to request a time extension has been provided.

No request has been received from the Cache Owner, tweetdrivr, for further time to restore the cache.

On this basis, it appears to have been abandoned by the Owner and, therefore, will be Archived.

Caches lost in this manner will not be Unarchived.

This area is now available for other interested players to utilise for cache placement if viable locations can be found.

Balayang -Geoff
Volunteer Community Reviewer

Hidden : 08/04/2004
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

A walk on the beach!

Walk on out to the beach at Cannon Point. When you hit the beach, turn left (West) and walk along the beach to coordinates S 07 15.716 E 072 22.069 and look for a path into the trees on your left...follow it to the cache coords.

Cache is an ammo can. It is near the designated mountain bike path on your way to this one...this path also makes a nice hiking trail. Follow it in either direction and you will end up back at the road.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)