(Extra) Special Event Notes:
JWigner has moved! He left behind a truck-load of Geocaching
swag. Bring your tricks and Joe will be handing out the treats. He
has ammo boxes, film canisters, kids toys, log books, and just
about everything else you need to hide caches for the next
millennium. We will probably have a variety of contests to
determine who leaves with what; however, everybody will receive
Barring unforeseen circumstances this will be the final Lotus
And Meowdoc GeoCaching Bash at this location. We have signed a
contract to buy a new home and should be moving towards the end of
Regular notes about this event:
In addition to the obvious discussion of geocache hiding and
finding techniques, there will also be several other
extracurricular activities. These include:
- Billiards (eight ball)
- Food and Drinks (you are also welcome to bring any personal
items in this category).
- I have a movie theatre for the kids (be sure to bring your own
DVDs, I don’t have anything suitable for children). Other side note
about kids, my home is NOT toddler friendly, so bring them at your
own discretion.
- Some undetermined caching activity - Usually decided at the
last minute :).
- We can laugh at PRanger, MartinP13, Bennet's kids, and Lotus
trying to stay in step with the Dance Dance Revolution game (all in
good humor, of course ;).
- R.O.B. traditionally provides a post-event geocache for
everyone to find.
I look forward to seeing anyone who wants to attend! Please RSVP
via email or this web page.
NOTE - We have four cats and keep a clean house; however, if you
have severe cat allergies, we suggest taking an antihistamine
before arrival!