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Naufrágio do "Veronése" [Leça da Palmeira] Traditional Cache

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[b] SerafimSaudade [/b] Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 06/08/2005
1 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Local com vistas magnificas sobre o mar onde se pode ver tambem o Farol de Leça (Construído em 1927, é um dos mais altos de Portugal.),e Casa de Chá da Boa Nova da autoria de Álvaro Siza Vieira protagoniza a Arquitectura Contemporânea em Matosinhos.

EN-The Shipwreck of the "Veronése", in 16-01-1913.

The year is 1913, and was a terrible winter day on the January 16th.
The rain is falling hard, strong winds whistling, and the dangerous sea was even more scary due to the dense and heavy fog around the boat.
91 years ago the "Veronése" with almost 200 souls on board, was fighting on these dangerous and dark shores of Matosinhos (known as "dark land" due the low visibility) against the high waves and strong winds, strugling and trying to avoid the rocks (were this cache is placed). On the beach, the gathering crowd of thousands of people guesses the unavoidable finish.
Soon the Fire-fighters of Leça batallion and later several other batallions from the near cities joined efforts to save the persons from the wrecked boat, several cables were rocket launched but failed the target, nerves and dispair spreads thru those men who bravely fight against the weather and time. Finally one cable was set, and the first person was saved, but almost 10 hours later only 36 more were saved, time is running out, and the boat is sinking, almost everybody want to help, from all around people is coming to help pulling the cables, 300 campain tents were set to host the wounded in case of need, lots of food and blankets are delivered on the beach.
But the dangerous sea didn't help those brave men, finally almost two days later the sea were calm enough to allow two other boats to get near the "Veronése" and rescue the persons directly from the sea because it was impossible to get more closer.
Only then the remaining persons were saved, only a very few died, mostly injured, in the end 89 persons were saved by the cables, and 102 by the two life-boats.

PT-Naufrágio do "Veronése", em 16-01-1913

Estava um dia de Inverno rigoroso.
A chuva caía cerrada, o vento forte assobiava e o nevoeiro tomava ainda mais assustador o mar que se encarapelava à volta do paquete.
Estávamos em Janeiro de 1913, precisamente no dia 16, já lá vão 91 anos, e o 'Veronése' lutava contra as ondas na ventosa costa de Matosinhos, sem conseguir o abrigo desejado no Porto de Leixões.
A forte agitação do mar e a força do vento empurravam, inevitavelmente, o navio contra os penhascos da Praia da Boa Nova e tudo parecia perdido.
Em terra iniciavam-se esforços para tentar salvar os passageiros e uma multidão curiosa e aterrada pela antevisão da tragédia ia-se acumulando na praia.
Pertencente à companhia Lampord Holt Line, representada em Portugal pela firma Garland Laidiey, Lda., o 'Veronése' vinha de Liverpool, tinha feito escala em Vigo, onde embarcaram 100 passageiros, espanhóis, ingleses e alemães e ainda quatro portugueses.
Quase todos eles tinham como destino portos do continente americano, nomeadamente do Brasil, Argentina e Venezuela.
Ao tentar entrar em Leixões, o mau tempo e, sobretudo, a má iluminação daquele pedaço de costa portuguesa, conhecida no meio marítimo como a "dark land", levaram o barco contra os rochedos.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

N Pnpur rapbagen-fr ab ynqb cbragr qn cyngnsbezn, ab vavpvb qr hz crdhrab "gevyub".

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)