Cleadon Pond Earthcache EarthCache
Size:  (other)
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Originally called 'Clyvedonna' meaning Cliff Hill, Cleadon village has been in existence since the days when St Bede travelled between the monasteries at Jarrow and Wearmouth. In the centre of the village is Cleadon Pond, a tiny reminder of a large glacial lake from the last Ice Age.
North of the Cheviot Hills in the last Ice Age was an ice cap from which ice sheets and glaciers travelled south, eroding huge amounts of material on their way. This material was redeposited as till or boulder clay across much of the lowlands of Northern England. When several valley glaciers came onto a lowland plain, they spread out and joined into a single ice mass called a piedmont glacier. When the ice melted about 12,000 years ago, temporary lakes were formed in which deposits of fine silt and clay accumulated. Laminated clays of this sort have been used for brick or tile making, in the area which is now the nearby Tilesheds Nature Reserve.
It is best to park in the large car-park next to the Britannia Inn, and cross the road at the zebra crossing.
To log this cache please post a photo of yourself or GPSr at the pond and answer the following 2 questions. The answer to the first one can be found on the information board. The remains of the glacial lake you see before you once stretched as far as where? Secondly, please estimate to the nearest mile how far that is. (You might want to do that part when you get home). Please e-mail me with your answers. Do not post them in your log.
Additional Hints
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