This cache is designed to take you on a stroll through a green
area in the centre of Cascais and to note several details that you
would otherwise not notice. This cache is definitely FAMILY and KID
You will be asked to go to 7 points before going for the cache
and notice a myriad of details which will provide clues to your
next quest. All the points are no further than 500 m apart and the
possible lack of GPS signal in some areas will not affect your
quest. However, note that some of the questions are designed to
trick you so you have to really notice the, in some cases, small
DETAILS. Good luck and enjoy it!
Note: the cache is not located at the
given coordinates although this location is also a green and
very pleasant area (Parque Palmela) in Cascais that I recommend you
You will have to resolve the following set of coordinates by
replacing the letters with the corresponding set of numbers that
you will have worked out from your detailed scrutiny of a set of
points that are given to you below:
9º E, F G H
Point 1 solves for A- Your quest starts at N38º
41.711 W9º 25.339. You will be facing a statue, of whom, I
cannot say. Don’t worry things will soon become clear.
This is a statue of:
1- Jayme Arthur da Costa Pinto
2- James Artur da Costa Pinto
3- Jaime Artur da Costa Pinto
The sculptor of this statue is:
2- B. Duarte
4- D. Duarte
6- A. Duarte
Was the man in the statue…
7- … the previous owner of the land you are standing
4- …the Mayor (pt: Presidente da Câmara)?
5- …a prominent scientist that lived in Cascais?
How many buttons does his topcoat have?
1- 4 buttons.
9- 3 buttons.
8- 6 buttons.
How many granite blocks make up the upper pedestal of
the statue?
3- 14 blocks.
5- 15 blocks.
7- 16 blocks.
What two dates feature prominently at the base of this
1- 1891-1910.
2- 1879-1910.
3- 1890-1909.
What facial hair does the man have?
2- Goatee (pt: pêra).
4- Goatee and mustache (pt: pêra e bigode).
9- Full beard.
Has this man got…
1- …curly hair?
9- …straight hair?
6- …is balding (pt: calvo)?
Instructions: Add all these
numbers you have obtained for your answers and on those add
2 . This corresponds to A.
Point 2 solves for F- Your quest continues at N38º
41.654 W9º 25.352. You will be facing a small monument a
little taller than you. Note that access to this point is
as follows: Summer – Winter - 8H30 to 17H45.
This park was built in what year?
11- 1948.
9 - 1945.
0 - 1946.
How many fully grown acorns (pt: bolotas) are there on
this monument? (see image for example).
4- 27 acorns.
5- 28 acorns.
6- 29 acorns.
How many large black inked letters can you
7- 20 letters.
4- 22 letters.
5- 21 letters.
How many numbers, in the set of small black inked
letters, can you see? (pt: não algarismos; ex. 2=algarismo,
3- 4 numbers?
2- 6 numbers?
7- 2 numbers?
Instructions: add 12 to the sum of
all these numbers you have obtained for your answers and then
divide by 10 . This corresponds to F.
Point 3 solves for D- Your quest continues at N38º
41.593 W9º 25.430. You will be facing a very large
This statue represents …
0 – …a mother and child.
1- …an elephant and its baby.
2- …a lion and cub (pt: cria).
Who is the sculptur of this statue?
6 – Cristina Hawkins.
4 – Cristina Leiria Camarro.
9 – Cristyna Bettencourt.
How many asterisks (*) can you see engraved on this
3 – 1 asterisk.
5 – 2 asterisks.
2 – 0 asterisks.
Looking around you from this point, how many round cages
(pt: gaiolas redondas) can you see? (These are no more than 15 m
from you).
15- 2 cages.
8 – 3 cages.
0 – 0 cages.
Approximately 20 m from you are a number of small,
brown-coloured statues. How many are there?
9- 1 statue.
7- 3 statues.
5- 2 statues.
One of these statues is holding ….
2- ….an umbrella.
4- … a bag.
6 – …a ball.
Instructions: add all these
numbers you have obtained for your answers and then subtract 5 and
divide by 10. This corresponds to D.
Point 4 solves for H- Your quest continues at N38º
41.546 W9º 25.285. You will be facing a small
WHITE building. All your clues will be obtained
from this building. Ignore the other yellow building all
What is the name of this building?
3- D. Carlos.
2- S. Sebastião.
9- D. Dinis
How many crosses can you see if you step away from the
building and face it? (the light blue one in the centre of the
small mural on the right does not count – eh,
9- 4 crosses.
5- 6 crosses.
1- 5 crosses.
The predominant colour of the tiles coating the walls
6- Blue and white.
7- Yellow and blue.
27- Yellow and green.
Instructions: add all the numbers
and take the square root (pt: raíz quadrada). This
corresponds to H.
Point 5 solves for G- Your quest continues at N38º
41.586 W9º 25.365. You will be near a set of black and
white squares. Hang on! You’ll see what they represent.
How many black squares are there?
3- 32 squares.
5- 31 squares.
7- 30 squares.
How many white squares are there?
3- 33 squares.
5- 30 squares.
7- 32 squares.
What are these squares used for?
66- Decoration.
69- Playing games.
72- For people to walk on.
Should these squares be used for their rightful purpose,
how many horses can you see or would you see?
4- 2 horses.
8- 4 horses.
10- 1 horse.
Instructions: add all the numbers
and subtract 85. This corresponds to G.
Point 6 solves for E- Your quest continues at N38º
41.567 W9º 25.327. You will be near an ornate fountain on
the floor.
How many lobes (pt: lobos) does the fountain
4- 2 lobes.
6- 4 lobes.
8- 6 lobes.
How many spouts (pt: repuchos) does the fountain
6- 1 spout.
7- 2 spouts.
8- 3 spouts.
See the mural near the fountain. What year is depicted
above it?
3- 1925.
4- 1926.
5- 1927.
The inscription above the mural starts with the
10- Deus.
11- Dios.
12- Nobis.
Instructions: add all the
numbers. This corresponds to E.
Point 7 solves for BC- Your quest continues at
N38º 41.540 W9º 25.286. You will be near a
fountain with the king of the jungle.
What astral body is depicted in the mural behind the
king of the jungle?
2- The moon.
3- The sun.
4- Saturn.
How many angels are depicted in this mural?
10- 21 angels.
15- 13 angels.
20- 6 angels.
Look to the yellow clock tower. What year is depicted in
the tiled mural there?
9- AD 1919.
10- AD 1920.
11- AD 1945.
What is on top of this clock tower?
12- A spire.
15- A clock.
20- A bell.
Focus your attention on the large yellow building next
to you and move inside the atrium. Note that
it is open only from Tuesday to Sunday (10H00 to 17H00); Closed on
Mondays and closes daily between 13H00 and 14H00 on its open
In the atrium, how many angels (with a blue background)
can you see?
6- 8 angels.
8- 7 angels.
9- 9 angels.
Moving around the atrium, how many more angels can you
2- 11 angels.
3- 12 angels.
4- 10 angels.
Look for the date 1643, what is above the
14- a coloured tile + a neon light.
15- a mural + an elephant..
16- a small fountain + an ugly face.
How many lower level arches can you count? These form
the “walls” around the atrium.
1- 20 arches.
2- 24 arches.
3- 28 arches.
How many upper level arches can you count over the
4- 50 arches.
6- 56 arches.
8- 54 arches.
Instructions: add all the numbers
and subtract 24 from it. This corresponds to BC.
Your quest is now complete, you can
now go and find the cache. As an added check,
your addition of
the individual numbers (A+B+C+D) should
add to 55 and (E+F+G+H) to 34.
The cache:
- Cache recommended for
1-100 year olds.- Final cache location has a narrow path that can
be a little slippery. Please look after your children at this
location. - size: 8x8x6 cm,
camouflaged (enjoy the cache but don't post images of the
container; let others after you also be surprised).
- You cannot see it. To
extract it you will have to "feel" your way
- Hidden at
- In summer you may have
ivy (pt: urtigas) to contend with. Take gloves.
- If you need extra help,
spoiler image.
You can check
your answers for this puzzle on