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The two Druids of Stonehenge Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

afonso_loureiro: Pois é, hoje vinha cá todo lampeiro buscar o logbook da Hollow Wall e ver se estava tudo em bom estado quando dou só com o sítio.

Obrigado por quem a visitou. Vou ver se coloco outra por aqueles lados.

Hidden : 03/17/2006
2 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

A small cache hidden on a stone druid... some climbing gear would be advisable!

From the cache, you will see the Carenque village and a few abandoned quaries. In one of them, which is just over the highway, there are some dinossaur tracks. They are covered with dirt so you can't see them.

Around here there are a few Megalithic monuments. These druids aren't man-made but they fit right in with the dolmens of Monte-Abraão, Estria, Senhor da Serra and Carenque.

The word Carenque can be loosely translated into a Celtic form as Kar Enke, which mean Stone Circle or Stone Henge, if you prefer.

These druids are remarcable landmarks if you aproach Carenque from the North.

The cache itself is as plain as it can get... good luck!
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