The Last Wolf Traditional Cache
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Humphrey Head is reputed to be the last place in England where a live wolf was seen. This, however, is hotly disputed by Cornwall. But we are talking about 600 years ago so I guess we will never know!
Humphrey Head is the location of one of the oldest Outdoor Education Centres in the country and was, for many years the annexe to Bewerley Park Outdoor Education Centre in North Yorkshire. Most of the peninsula is owned by Holker Estates and is managed by Cumbria Wildlife Trust. The Humphrey Head Outdoor Centre is currently run by a private company, Mere Mountains. The area is an SSSI for its wide variety of Flora, particularly on the cliffs. We recommend two ways to the cache site on the cliff top. Firstly, from the driveway entrance to Humphrey Head Outdoor Centre. Go over the cattle grid and turn right onto open ground before the gates into the Centre itself (SD38902 74661). The second way is to walk along the sands below the cliff on the west side of the peninsula (scrambling required, and trickier at high spring tides!) and then walking back inland up to the top of the cliffs by a stile at SD39198 73354. There are rock climbs on the cliffs but these are not recommended as a way to get to the top without the correct equipment and expertise! There is also a ban on climbing during the spring due to nesting Peregrine Falcons. Humphrey Head also boasts the tallest Limestone cliff in Cumbria and from the trig point you can get a magnificent panoramic view around the whole of Morecambe Bay. One of the most striking features along the top of the cliffs are the many hawthorn trees, which have been windblown into the most extraordinary shapes. In addition to seeking the actual cache, you may also want to try and find the remnants of the Holy well, which is located at the foot of the cliff just before the natural rock arch on the west side of the peninsula (SD39020 73915). The best parking is at the road end (beware high spring tides!) from which the whole area can be explored. Alternatively, you can park at one of the excellent public houses in Allithwaite and walk up a thirst with a round trip of about 6Km from there! Hope you enjoy the cache.
Additional Hints
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