Markdown Guide:

# Header 01 #

Header 01

closing #'s are required

## Header 02 ##

Header 02

closing #'s are required

### statement header/title ###

statement header/title

closing #'s are required

center aligned

> quote


center aligned

--- horizontal rule

line break: Select ENTER on your keyboard

Thank you for organizing the CITO!
I love Cache In Trash Out events.

* unordered
  * bulleted
  • Geocacher
    • Basic Member
    • Premium Member
    • Charter Member
  • Community Volunteer
  • Signal the Frog
  • Muggle
1. ordered
2. numbered
  1. Ammo can
  2. Bison tube
  3. Lock & Lock
  4. Micro
  5. Nano

Smiley Guide:

Smilies are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a smile or a frown. This bulletin board automatically converts certain text to a graphical representation when it is inserted between brackets []. Here are the smilies that are currently supported by Geocaching:

smile [:)]
big smile big smile [:D]
cool cool [8D]
blush blush [:I]
tongue tongue [:P]
evil evil [}:)]
shocked shocked [:O]
wink wink [;)]
clown clown [:o)]
black eye black eye [B)]
eightball eightball [8]
frown frown [:(]
shy shy [8)]
angry angry [:(!]
dead dead [xx(]
sleepy sleepy [|)]
kisses kisses [:X]
approve approve [^]
disapprove disapprove [V]
question question [?]