Kato Poros is a small village north of the Poros Gorge that is
going south to Vilandredo. The cache is placed in the northern end
of the gorge . A walk in the gorge is recommended. The Poros gorge
is about 3 km long. It is rather narrow with a well marked path
with brown arrow signs. In winter time there can be a lot of water,
but it disappears in the spring time.
The cache is a small Lock&Lock box with place for pencil,
logbook and a little trading stuff. Coordinates can be a bit off in
the gorge
Poros gorge:
How to find the the cache:
Driving to Kato Poros from Rethymno, take the New National Road
westwards until the signpost for Episkopi by the beach of Petres.
Follow the road and drive around Episkopi and against Argiroupoli.
1. km. before Argiroupoli, the sign posted road to Kato Poros is
forking to the left (N35 17.574 E24 20.284). Parking by the church
(N35 17.287 E24 20.973). Walk through the village to the south end
and the beginning of the kalderimi by the E4 sign (N35 17.193 E24
20.954) above the old laundry on the left side and a small house on
the right side walking up. Follow the kalderimi and where it ends,
take the farmers road to the left a few meters and then to the
right until the border of the gorge with gorge information.
This cache can be combined with others caches in the area:
Kato Poros kalderimi, Ano Nisi, Nisi Stroll, Five Virgins and
Hanging out.