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Travel Bug Dog Tag La Vacca Miquelina

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Mr_Omega-Taty Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, 16 March 2012
Lisboa, Portugal
Recently Spotted:
In O Tesouro do Faraó

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Current Goal

Ok, so my goal iwas completed, I've manage to go from Portugal to India, and returned back to Portugal. Sadly my owners don't live in sunny Portugal anymore so now I have another goal!

I need to find my owners!

I've been told that they have moved to Manchester in the UK! Can you help me?


Send me to Manchester please!

About This Item


Ok, so my goal iwas completed, I've manage to go from Portugal to India, and returned back to Portugal. Sadly my owners don't live in sunny Portugal anymore so now I have another goal!

I need to find my owners!

I've been told that they have moved to Manchester in the UK! Can you help me?


Send me to Manchester please!

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Tracking History (70575.3mi) View Map

Dropped Off 01/08/2020 JorgeDraco & Anjo placed it in O Tesouro do Faraó Portalegre, Portugal - 31.96 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/31/2019 JorgeDraco & Anjo took it to Era uma vez um Hotel Portalegre, Portugal - 60.87 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/03/2019 JorgeDraco & Anjo took it to The Jewel of Sapphire Évora, Portugal - 6.42 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/03/2019 JorgeDraco & Anjo took it to Porto das Lãs de Baixo Évora, Portugal - 62.52 miles  Visit Log
Write note 04/30/2019 Mr_Omega-Taty posted a note for it   Visit Log

Hey, new goal updated!

Please help this little one return to their owners :)


Visited 02/19/2019 JorgeDraco & Anjo took it to RINCON DE CAYA Y MERENDERO Extremadura, Spain - .15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 02/19/2019 JorgeDraco & Anjo took it to EL ARBOL MUERTO Extremadura, Spain - .1 miles  Visit Log
Visited 02/19/2019 JorgeDraco & Anjo took it to EL RINCONCITO Extremadura, Spain - .9 miles  Visit Log
Visited 02/19/2019 JorgeDraco & Anjo took it to UN SITIO TRANQUILO Extremadura, Spain - 2.46 miles  Visit Log
Visited 02/19/2019 JorgeDraco & Anjo took it to MIRANDO LAS AVES 2 Extremadura, Spain - .87 miles  Visit Log
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