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Travel Bug Dog Tag This Boot Is Made For Walkin’

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FreeHeels79 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
California, United States
Recently Spotted:
In ORPIERRE: Le Temple

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Current Goal

This little boot loves to hike.  Its dream is to cover the same mileage as the Pacific Crest Trail (2,650 miles), the Continental Divide Trail (3,100 miles), and the Appalachian Trail (2,178) combined.

That means 7,928 miles altogether.

 It’s not too picky about direction.  Please just help this boot keep walking!

As of 6/18/12, this little boot has (metaphorically) covered about 46% of the Pacific Crest Trail.  That means it right about now it would probably be re-supplying at Echo Lake near Tahoe.  Thanks for the progress! 

About This Item

This Boot is Made for Walkin'

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Tracking History (22272.4mi) View Map

Dropped Off 08/20/2024 rafmi placed it in ORPIERRE: Le Temple Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France - 440.55 miles  Visit Log

Récupéré dans mon village natal à Velaux, je le dépose a Orpierre lors d'une semaine en vacances en famille. Mon fils l'a gardé trop longtemps dans sa chambre, aujourd'hui il continue sa route.

Retrieve It from a Cache 08/20/2024 rafmi retrieved it from Le roi de la forêt Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France   Visit Log

A Orrpiere, en vacances en famille été 2024

Dropped Off 10/12/2023 oyukiria placed it in Le roi de la forêt Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France - 1.11 miles  Visit Log

This is the end of my long long trip with the travelling hiking boot. I picked it up in Bariloche, Argentina, si months ago and I am now leaving it to the next geocache in the middle of the pines of my hometown of Velaux, France, just at the foot of the "King of the forest". I hope you have many more adventures!

C'est la fin de mon grand voyage avec la chaussure de randonnée voyageuse. Je l'ai trouvée à Bariloche, en Argentine, au détour d'une randonnée pendant un long road trip à travers l'Amérique du Sud. Et maintenant je la dépose ici entre les pins de Velaux, au pied du roi de la forêt, pour un nouveau départ pour elle et moi.

  •  Image téléchargée depuis l'appli Geocaching®
Visited 10/09/2023 oyukiria took it to La cascade du bord de l'Arc Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France - 410.49 miles  Visit Log

Petite balade le long de l'arc en cette chaude après midi !

  •  Image téléchargée depuis l'appli Geocaching®
Visited 09/17/2023 oyukiria took it to L'étang du moulin neuf Pays de la Loire, France - 28.19 miles  Visit Log

Nice time walking around the forest and lakes in the area

Visited 07/28/2023 oyukiria took it to le four à chaux Pays de la Loire, France - .15 miles  Visit Log

Visite des fours à chaux de Saulges

  •  Image téléchargée depuis l'appli Geocaching®
Visited 07/28/2023 oyukiria took it to Saulges - #1 - Balade dans la vallée de l'Erve Pays de la Loire, France - 106.77 miles  Visit Log

En balade près des fours à chaux de Saulges !

Visited 07/22/2023 oyukiria took it to PTTTN - C28 Pays de la Loire, France - 106.5 miles  Visit Log

A nice walk along the côte sauvage between Le Pouliguen and Le Croisic,with it's charming little coves and very climbable rocks

Visited 07/10/2023 oyukiria took it to Saulges - Petite Cité de Caractère Pays de la Loire, France - 6,248.01 miles  Visit Log

The boot isn't lost! It just traveled over a good portion of water and landed somewhere on the French countryside where it visited a few of the cute villages around. Saulges and her neighbours are famous for their well preserved Stonehouses and churches, as well as the numerous caves in the area

  •  Image téléchargée depuis l'appli Geocaching®
Visited 05/23/2023 oyukiria took it to STONE FACE Ecuador - 818.87 miles  Visit Log

Power-walking away from an incoming storm loud through the gigantic parque metropolitano of Quito, Equador, we had just enough time to look for a few caches. What a cool place, I wish I could have explored every single of the hundreds of trails snaking through the parc!

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