Der Wusel on Tour
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Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Wien, Austria
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In The Tunnel - Dark TB Hostel
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Da unser kleiner Homies-Krümel nicht selber um die Welt reisen kann, und die beiden großen Drachen auf seinem Tisch stehen und ihn beschützen ... wurde der kleinste aus dem Drachenrudel genommen und losgeschickt!
Flieg durch die Welt und sammel Bilder und Eindrücke!
Since our little "homies-crumb" can not travel around the world by himself and the two big dragons are on his table to protect him ... the smallest was taken out of the dragon pack and was sent around the big world!
Fly through the world and collect many pictures and impressions!
Greetings into the world from vienna/austria
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luisconstantino placed it in The Tunnel - Dark TB Hostel
Lisboa, Portugal
- 1,031.78 miles
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luisconstantino took it to AZGT Simplesmente Magnífico [Velas]
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
- .24 miles
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luisconstantino took it to MORRO DAS VELAS
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
- 2,048.31 miles
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luisconstantino took it to Hölzerne Kunst
Bayern, Germany
- .51 miles
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luisconstantino took it to Lärchenbichel
Bayern, Germany
- 1,954.58 miles
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luisconstantino took it to Embaixador Faria e Maia
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
- .31 miles
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luisconstantino took it to Ermida de São Gonçalo
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
- .6 miles
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luisconstantino took it to Vamos Fazer Desporto
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
- 12.94 miles
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luisconstantino took it to Calonectris diomedea borealis [S. Miguel - Azores]
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
- 887.09 miles
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luisconstantino took it to Pico Bartolomeu [São Miguel - Açores]
Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal
- 871.51 miles
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