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China Geocoin China Geocoin (BWW / WV)

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ichel Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, 01 January 2001
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal



Möchte um die Welt reisen.

 Die Original Geocoin ist leider verschollen.


Travel around the world.

The original geocoin was lost. 


Buchstabenwortwert (BWW)

Erläuterungen zum Buchstabenwortwert (BWW)
Zur Ermittlung des Buchstabenwortwerts (BWW) werden für jeden Buchstaben die Stelle desselbigen im Alphabet (a=1, b=2, ... z=26) herangezogen und anschließend alle Zahlen addiert. Das Wort "Geocache" würde daher mit 7+5+15+3+1+3+8+5 = 47 als Buchstabenwortwert (BWW) ergeben. Umlaute werden wie folgt gewertet: ä=27, ö=28, ü=29, ß=30.


Erläuterungen zur Quersumme (QS)
Zur Ermittlung der Quersumme (QS) werden alle Ziffern einer Zahl addiert. Die Zahl lautet "6234" somit wäre die QS der Zahl 15, denn 6+2+3+4 = 15.


Auf meiner Homepage kann der Buchstabenwortwert oder die Quersumme schnell und einfach ermittelt werden.


Word Value (WV)

WV: To determine the numerical letter value of a word convert each letter to its position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2,... Z=26)
So the word "Geocaching" would there for convert to 7 + 5 + 15 + 3 + 1 + 3 +8 + 9 + 14 + 7 = 72 "WV" (Word Value)
You can find a tool for the WV on my website:


Profile for ichel

About This Item

No additional details available.

Gallery Images related to China Geocoin (BWW / WV)

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    Tracking History (97208.4mi) View Map

    Mark Missing 10/17/2011 ichel marked it as missing   Visit Log

    The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

    Write note 10/17/2011 ichel posted a note for it   Visit Log

    This is an automated message.
    ichel has moved TBRVWQ to its last known location.

    Write note 10/30/2009 ichel posted a note for it   Visit Log

    [This is an automated message]
    This is a message to let you know that your trackable item TBRVWQ has been marked ‘missing’ by a cache owner or a site administrator. Trackable items are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Please review the most recent logs on your trackable item to learn more information about its current state.

    Discovered It 05/26/2009 TandT discovered it   Visit Log

    Schick... ;-)

    Dropped Off 05/12/2009 omblo placed it in Mingalazedi View (Myanmar/Burma) Myanmar - 4,738.11 miles  Visit Log

    A long trip for the coin.
    Go to one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen: Mingalazedi View.
    What a pity that I just heard friends of me talking about Geocaching some time before my travel to Burma in winter 2003/2004. That would have been my first cache, and my first definitely worthy FTF. But it hasn't been.
    Perhaps I come back one day.

    All the best for the Burmese people,

    • Bagan Bagan
    Retrieve It from a Cache 05/12/2009 omblo retrieved it from Bonnys Ranch - Abgründe Brandenburg, Germany   Visit Log

    :) da weiss ich wo es hingeht!

    Discovered It 05/12/2009 Elwetritsches discovered it   Visit Log

    Oops ein Error...

    Discovered It 05/11/2009 BAT23 discovered it   Visit Log

    Auch nicht schlecht :oD

    Dropped Off 05/09/2009 Die Schlottersteins placed it in Bonnys Ranch - Abgründe Brandenburg, Germany - 366.7 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 05/09/2009 Die Schlottersteins retrieved it from Donauversickerung Baden-Württemberg, Germany   Visit Log

    Wenn nur jeder 404 eine Belohnung nach sich ziehen würde. 🙂

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