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Travel Bug Dog Tag AroundTheWorld TBug

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Wednesday, 19 July 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Recently Spotted:
In Tip of Africa

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Current Goal

Current Mission: Travel to Cape Agulhas, South Africa S 34 - 49.960 E 020 - 00.212

About This Item


Current Mission: Travel to Cape Agulhas, South Africa S 34 - 49.960 E 020 - 00.212 If I could dig straight thru the earth from my hometown (N 49 - 28.819 W 119 - 34.420 Fuzzy Page GCV2P7), I would come out not in China, but near the French Southern + Antartic Lands (S 49 - 28.819 E 060 - 25.580), South of Australia and Africa. The best choice for a point on earth farthest from my hometown is Cape Agulhas, South Africa. The coords on the bug are the best ones I could find for the Most Southern Point of Africa. I beleive a lighthouse is located very close to these coords. Bonus points to anyone who can send a picture of the bug at the theoretical opposite (S 49 - 28.819 E 060 - 25.580).

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Tracking History (151148.1mi) View Map

Discovered It 01/16/2025 Myth discovered it Western Cape, South Africa   Visit Log

Spotted it on its final destination 😄

Discovered It 01/13/2025 SkatteMan discovered it Western Cape, South Africa   Visit Log

Discovered it while in its place it wanted to be. Did not retrieve it as I think it likes it there. Not sure if it will have a new mission soon, cause I can retrieve it still.

Dropped Off 01/04/2025 sfalexi placed it in Tip of Africa Western Cape, South Africa - .06 miles  Visit Log

It’s here!

Retrieve It from a Cache 01/04/2025 sfalexi retrieved it from Tip of Africa Tourism TB Hotel Western Cape, South Africa   Visit Log

Gonna try to get it to its goal!

Dropped Off 11/30/2024 brownie52 placed it in Tip of Africa Tourism TB Hotel Western Cape, South Africa - 3.55 miles  Visit Log

Well here you are, finally, hope you’re next goal can be fulfilled as well

Visited 11/30/2024 brownie52 took it to The Southernmost Tip of Africa. Western Cape, South Africa - 9,925.37 miles  Visit Log


Visited 11/30/2024 brownie52 took it to SS: Shipwreck Museum Western Cape, South Africa - 9,879.2 miles  Visit Log


Write note 11/29/2024 brownie52 posted a note for it   Visit Log

And now I’m confused, it’s here in my hand and someone else grabbed it in between?
Weird …

  •  Log photo uploaded using Cachly
Dropped Off 11/22/2024 En_Passant placed it in MY WIFE LIKES CHEESE STRAWS #1 Arizona - 9,661.43 miles  Visit Log

Dropped off

Visited 11/21/2024 brownie52 took it to Okavango Botswana - 9,662.35 miles  Visit Log
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