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Travel Bug Dog Tag End of Dry Law

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Recently Spotted:
In Tesouro no Barrocal

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Current Goal

Travel around the world making people happy doing my job.

About This Item

1st Job... Done!

Hi all!
I like to have fun and help you in the difficult but gorgeous job of openning a bottle of cold beer!!!
I want to travel around the world making people happy doing my job.
Please attach as many different bootle caps as i can hold. Take some pics, and let my owner see me working.
From time to time let me get back to my owner. Certenly he will have some work to me!
Please note:
Never drink alone!
Be responsible. Drink with moderation!
and Never Ever drink a non-alcoholic beer!

Gallery Images related to End of Dry Law

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Tracking History (662.1mi) View Map

Discovered It 01/06/2024 OndrTera discovered it Castelo Branco, Portugal   Visit Log

Discovered this trackable on Facebook. Thank you for sharing!

Discovered It 02/18/2022 KLB52 discovered it Castelo Branco, Portugal   Visit Log

Tak fir du har delt din Coin. Hilsner fra 🇩🇰

Discovered It 02/18/2022 Panta-TLB discovered it Castelo Branco, Portugal   Visit Log

Set din Coin på nettet. Tak fra 🇩🇰

Discovered It 09/03/2015 nrohcs discovered it   Visit Log

nachlog! danke fürs zeigen.
wo gesehen kann leider nicht mehr genau gesagt werden

Write note 11/11/2009 SaMar Team posted a note for it   Visit Log

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This is a message to let you know that your trackable item TBZP1C has been marked ‘missing’ by a cache owner or a site administrator. Trackable items are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Please review the most recent logs on your trackable item to learn more information about its current state.

Discovered It 04/09/2009 Geomic@s discovered it   Visit Log

Está muito bem guardado no tesouro do Rei Barrocas!! 😉

Discovered It 04/09/2009 geopate discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered it again :-)
Ranking! 😁
[b][font=Verdana][red]Sagres 5[/red]
[b][font=Verdana][orange]Super Bock 4[/orange]
[b][font=Verdana][purple]Cristal 1[/purple]
[b][font=Verdana][blue]Heineken 1[/blue]

  • End Of Dry Law TB
Dropped Off 03/20/2009 embolozzz placed it in Tesouro no Barrocal Castelo Branco, Portugal - 5.28 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 12/21/2008 fmike discovered it   Visit Log

Wonderful... i want a coooooolllll Sagrespam! Please! Nice Bug. See it in the hands of embolozzz

Retrieve It from a Cache 12/21/2008 embolozzz retrieved it from GB 8 - Azinheira Trackable Hotel Geo-BTTHAL Castelo Branco, Portugal   Visit Log

Numa Visita às Instalações do Azinheiras Trackable Hotel, a Gerência fez uma remodelação aos hóspedes desta Unidade Hoteleira!

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