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Travel Bug Dog Tag Jakomo

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rizi2001 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Hallo mein Name ist Jakomo. Ich möchte so gerne die Welt bereisen, immer nur auf der Weide stehen ist mir einfach zu öde. Wenn du mich gefunden hast, hilf mir bitte weiter zu reisen. Auf meinem Weg möchte ich sehenswerte und ganz besondere Orte kennen lernen. Außerdem höre ich gerne Musik, auch Konzerte und Festivals besuche ich gerne. Vielleicht nimmst du mich mal auf eines mit? Aber bitte pass auf, dass ich in der Menge nicht verloren gehe. Mein Besitzer freut sich, wenn du mich auf meiner Reise fotografierst, egal ob vor z.B. einer Kirche oder einer Bühne, und dieses Bild beim loggen auf postest. :)

my name is Jakomo. I´d like to travel arround the world, standing on meadow is so boring! If you found me, please help me on my way. On my journey I´d like to see some lovely and special places in your region. I love music and going on festivals or concerts. Maybe you can take me with you if you go to one?Butplease make surethat Iwould not be lostin the crowd. My owner will be glad if you take a picture of me on my journey, whether in front of a church or a stage. :) When you log me on please uplaod the picture.

About This Item


Name / name:                              Jakomo
Spitzname / nickname:                IAH
Rasse / race:                                Esel / donkey
Geschlecht / sex:                         männlich / male
Alter / age:                                   5 Jahre / years
Größe / size:                               12 cm
Farbe / colour:                             grau / grey

Lieblingsfutter /favorite dish:        Heu / hay
Lieblingsfarbe / favorite colour:     grün, schwarz / green, black
Lieblingsmusik / favorite music:    Rock, Metal

Vorlieben / likes: schöne Orte und Bauwerke, Festivals, Konzerte / lovely places and buildings, festivals, concerts

Besondere Merkmale / special characteristics: eine rote Decke mit weißen Sternen und er kann vibrieren wenn man am Blatt zieht / a red blanket, he vibrates if you pull on the leaf

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Tracking History (12418.5mi) View Map

Mark Missing 06/03/2018 Toa Norik marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Discovered It 05/23/2018 Breun discovered it Jämtland, Sweden   Visit Log

Irgendwann mal gesehen.

Write note 12/07/2017 Memme posted a note for it   Visit Log

This traveller was not seen in cache E SJ 952 when danielsen5 visited 08/12/2017 (cache log): Fant den men ingen TB = Found it but no TB. – The TB note the same day says: Denne lå ikke her i dag = This one was not here today.

TB owner and cache owner, please move the traveller to Unknown Location (Mark Item Missing) if it doesn't show up soon.

Write note 08/12/2017 danielsen5 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Denne lå ikke her i dag...

Dropped Off 07/23/2017 tornerosering placed it in E SJ 952 Jämtland, Sweden - 162.8 miles  Visit Log

God tur videre

Visited 07/21/2017 tornerosering took it to Mo kirke Nordland, Norway - 67.61 miles  Visit Log

Mo kirke

  • TB54W7Z Log Image uploaded from Geocaching® App
Visited 07/07/2017 tornerosering took it to Til Nord 2017 #10 Nordland, Norway - 1.26 miles  Visit Log


  • TB54W7Z Log Image uploaded from Geocaching® App
Visited 07/07/2017 tornerosering took it to Ledertidsfordriv Nord2017#1 Nordland, Norway - 33.82 miles  Visit Log

Scout camp

Visited 06/04/2017 tornerosering took it to MEOK - Øra1 Nordland, Norway - 33.36 miles  Visit Log

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  • TB54W7Z Log Image uploaded from Geocaching® App
Retrieve It from a Cache 05/27/2017 tornerosering retrieved it from Mørkvedodden#3 Nordland, Norway   Visit Log

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