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Travel Bug Dog Tag Remember Bruno

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Saturday, 14 April 2007
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In the hands of ababrian.

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Current Goal

Seine Mission ist es, zu reisen, da der echte Bruno nur eine kurze Zeit zum Reisen hatte.
Er möchte andere Bären sehen und sein größter Wunsch ist es, seine „großen Brüder“, die Grizzlybären in Alaska zu besuchen. Bitte helft ihm, möglichst viel von dieser Welt zu sehen und macht dazu möglichst viele Fotos.
The mission of this TB is to travel, because Bruno, the real bear, still can`t travel.
He wants to visit other bears and his greatest wish, he ever had, is to travel to Alaska to visit his big brothers and sisters, the Grizzly-bears. So, please help him, to discover the world and please, make many photos of his journey.

(visit link) (deutsch), (visit link) (english)

About This Item

In Erinnerung an den „Problembären“ Bruno, seit 170 Jahren der erste freilebende Braunbär in Deutschland. Nachdem mehrere Versuche, ihn einzufangen fehlgeschlagen waren, wurde er am 26. Juni 2006 erschossen.
In memory of the “problem bear” Bruno, who was the first free living brown bear in Germany since 170 years in 2006 and who was shot on 26th June 2006, because several trials to catch him, was failed and then, some people thought, it`s too dangerous to let him life.

(visit link) (deutsch), (visit link) (english)

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Tracking History (22340.2mi) View Map

Retrieve It from a Cache 07/28/2014 ababrian retrieved it from Bin Caching TB Hotel Alaska   Visit Log

Now that Bruno has made it to Alaska I will take him whereever the Norwegian Jewel sails which in this case is Juneau, Skagway, Victoria and Seattle.

Dropped Off 07/27/2014 toby1029 placed it in Bin Caching TB Hotel Alaska - 792.72 miles  Visit Log

Bruno has made it to Alaska! He is now resting in a TB Hotel in Ketchikan. I hope he has many more travels in Alaska.

  • Bruno ready to check in to the TB Hotel
Retrieve It from a Cache 07/22/2014 toby1029 retrieved it from Geocaching Headquarters Washington   Visit Log

We retrieved Bruno from GCHQ today. Good news: pvaz and I are leaving Seattle for Alaska in two days. Bruno will go with us!

Dropped Off 07/18/2014 lcllfo4 placed it in Geocaching Headquarters Washington - 135.7 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/16/2014 lcllfo4 took it to Neighborhood Travelbug hotel Washington - 26.04 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/13/2014 lcllfo4 took it to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Box Oregon - 22.51 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/11/2014 lcllfo4 took it to Stumped On Mysteries Cache; A Tribute To dkestrel Washington - 5.84 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/06/2014 lcllfo4 took it to CACHE AMMO #2 Oregon - .34 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/06/2014 lcllfo4 took it to M.D. PATH (46) ROCKS AGAIN Oregon - .76 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/06/2014 lcllfo4 took it to M.D. PATH (42) CHEEEZYS SPOT Oregon - 8.58 miles  Visit Log
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