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Travel Bug Dog Tag Ferb - Travel Bug Dog Tag

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Pirates of Shropshire - we luv hunting fa treasure Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 25 December 2011
United Kingdom
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In Bowling

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Ferb is a boy of few words. This green-haired, nine year-old boy is Phineas' stepbrother and constant companion. Together, their imaginations soar and their ideas take off. Ferb is as crazy and mischievous as his stepbrother, but he tends to save his words for only the most important situations.

Please Join Ferb for some wackey adventures, moving from cache to cache, bringing fun and joy to all GeoCachers

Please take photots on Ferbs as postcards to Phineas, recording his adventures

This TB is also trying to avoid capture by the GeoPenguins

About This Item

Phineas and Ferb
is an American animated television comedy series. Originally broadcast as a preview on August 17, 2007, on Disney Channel, the series follows Phineas Flynn and his English stepbrother Ferb Fletcher on summer vacation. Every day the boys embark on some grand new project, which annoys their controlling sister, Candace, who always tries to bust them (but never succeeds—except once).  

The show follows the adventures of stepbrothers Phineas Flynn (Vincent Martella) and Ferb Fletcher (Thomas Sangster), who live in the fictional town of Danville, somewhere in the Tri-State area. Their older sister, Candace Flynn (Ashley Tisdale), is obsessed with two things throughout the show. One is "busting" Phineas and Ferb's schemes and ideas, usually calling their mother to report the boys' activities in an attempt to get them in trouble, but is never successful because of events that transpire in another subplot. Second is that she is obsessed with a boy named Jeremy that she wants to be her boyfriend. Meanwhile, the boys' pet platypus, Perry, acts as a secret agent for an all-animal government organization called the O.W.C.A. ("Organization Without a Cool Acronym"), fighting Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.

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Tracking History (62270.3mi) View Map

Discovered It 11/22/2018 wuebs discovered it Ústecký kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

unterwegs gesehen, DANKE

Discovered It 10/09/2018 Elmonchyli discovered it Ústecký kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

In meiner Liste gefunden, irgendwann habe ich diesen TB mal fotografiert :)

Dropped Off 08/05/2018 Lukáš Hodek placed it in Bowling Ústecký kraj, Czechia - 101.87 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 07/19/2018 Lukáš Hodek retrieved it from Das Wasserrad Bayern, Germany   Visit Log

Poposunu dále.

Dropped Off 07/14/2018 elektronka007 placed it in Das Wasserrad Bayern, Germany - .5 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/14/2018 elektronka007 took it to Stoamandl Bayern, Germany - 15.08 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/08/2018 elektronka007 took it to Rozhledna Libin Jihočeský kraj, Czechia - 1.53 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/07/2018 elektronka007 took it to Yetti na patriarche Jihočeský kraj, Czechia - .98 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/07/2018 elektronka007 took it to Prachatice Jihočeský kraj, Czechia - .15 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/07/2018 elektronka007 took it to Prachaticke pametihodnosti Jihočeský kraj, Czechia - .36 miles  Visit Log
data on this page is cached for 3 mins