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Travel Bug Dog Tag Yanwe - The Great Sceneries Lover

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rezabci Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
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Current Goal

I love all kinds of rocks, mountains and high places - possibly all over the world. Please, send a picture of the scenery you saw from the place you've found me to my master. If you'll add a picture of the rock, mountain or the place itself too, that would be great! Occasionally I'd like to visit Pilsen, Czech Republic, my home.

Mam rad hory, skaly a vysky vseho druhu - pokud mozno po celem svete. Prosim, poslete memu panu fotku vyhledu, ktery jste meli z mista, kde jste me nasli. Pokud pridate i fotku hory, skaly ci mista samotneho, bude to skvele! Prilezitostne bych se rad podival i do Plzne, kde jsem doma.

About This Item


Kamínek je z jednoho z našich výletu, drátkem opredla nejmladší režábka.

The stone is a token to one of our trips. Rounded with metal wire by our youngest rezabek-daughter.

Gallery Images related to Yanwe - The Great Sceneries Lover

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Tracking History (11335.4mi) View Map

Write note 01/30/2015 Memme posted a note for it   Visit Log

This trackable was unfortunately not seen in cache Tino's bro ved Dammen when puddel visited 12/09/2014 (see TB note below): Denne ligger ikke i boksen = This is not in the box.

TB owner or cache owner, please move the traveller to Unknown Location (Mark Item Missing) if it doesn't show up soon.

Write note 12/09/2014 Lail@ posted a note for it   Visit Log

Denne ligger ikke i boksen

Dropped Off 09/28/2014 placed it in Tino's bro ved Dammen Akershus, Norway - 1.4 miles  Visit Log

Abgelegt in Tino's bro ved Dammen (GC49XH4)

Retrieve It from a Cache 03/16/2014 retrieved it from Stupeberget på Varsjøen Akershus, Norway   Visit Log

TB tatt ut 15/3.

Write note 12/15/2013 svenan posted a note for it   Visit Log

The stone enjoying the scenery.

  • Enjoy, little stone!
Dropped Off 12/15/2013 svenan placed it in Stupeberget på Varsjøen Akershus, Norway - 11.19 miles  Visit Log

We found a nice cliff for a cool stone.

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 11/28/2013 svenan grabbed it   Visit Log

Found it at Ekeberg, one of the hills surrounding Oslo, Norway. Really a cool little thing. I can feel it is on its way to some nice hill with a cool view.. Pictures will follow..

Retrieve It from a Cache 11/23/2013 Olei100 retrieved it from J&H#18 - Østmarkas Stortopper Enebakk, Tonekollen Akershus, Norway   Visit Log

Funnet på en av Østmarkas stortopper. Den høyeste toppen i Enebakk kommune øst for Oslo.

Dropped Off 10/20/2013 Fjellgjengen placed it in J&H#18 - Østmarkas Stortopper Enebakk, Tonekollen Akershus, Norway - 121.32 miles  Visit Log

Enjoy the scenery!!!

  • The view from Tonekollen
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/12/2013 Fjellgjengen retrieved it from Ljördalen - New Bridge Innlandet, Norway   Visit Log

We will bring you to a scenery further south in Norway.

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