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Travel Bug Dog Tag Schlumpfine (Olympische Spiele)

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kloine1982 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Bayern, Germany
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Current Goal

Die Schlümpfe haben schon soviel von den Olympischen Spielen gehört und nun wollen sie selbst auch einmal teilnehmen. Jeder von ihnen überlegt sich fieberhaft in was für einer Disziplin er wohl am besten sein könnte.
Schlumpfine hat sich schnell entschieden und möchte sich aber zuerst die vielen verschiedenen "olympischen" Städte anschauen, in der dieses Ereignis schon statt gefunden hat.
Schlumpfine möchte in folgende Städte reisen:
- Stockholm    - Antwerpen   - Paris
- Amsterdam  - Los Angeles - Berlin
- London   - Helsinki  - Melbourne
- Rom - Tokio - Mexiko-Stadt
- München - Montreal - Moskau
- Seoul - Barcelona - Atlanta
- Sydney - Athen - Peking
Bis 2016 möchte sie alle Städte bereist haben und dann in Rio de Janeiro an den Olympischen Spielen teilnehmen.
Danach möchte sie wieder die Heimreise nach Weiden in der Oberpfalz antreten.

The Smurfs have heard so much of the Olympic games and now they want to participate and even once. Each of them considered themselves feverishly in what kind of discipline he could probably be best.
Smurfette has chosen and wants to quickly but first look at the many different "Olympic" cities, has found that in the event already happened.
Smurfette want to travel in the following cities:
- Stockholm - Antwerp - Paris
- Amsterdam - Los Angeles - Berlin
- London - Helsinki - Melbourne
- Rome - Tokyo - Mexico City
- Munich - Montreal - Moscow
- Seoul - Barcelona - Atlanta
- Sydney - Athens - Beijing
By 2016, they would have traveled to all cities and then take part in Rio de Janeiro in the Olympic Games.
Then they want to start my journey back to Weiden in the Oberpfalz. 

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Tracking History (1538.2mi) View Map

Mark Missing 06/11/2018 cafougnette1 marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 08/25/2015 metalligeoff posted a note for it   Visit Log

Le TB n'est plus présent dans ☆177☆ Les villages flamands #177

Dropped Off 05/15/2015 Running Sand placed it in ☆177☆ Les villages flamands #177 Hauts-de-France, France - 51.94 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 04/18/2015 J. V. discovered it   Visit Log

Gezien in handen van Running Zand tijdens de verborgen diamant.

Bedankt voor het delen.

Discovered It 04/18/2015 E DG discovered it   Visit Log

Seen in hands of Running Sand during The concealed diamond.

Thanks for sharing

Retrieve It from a Cache 04/18/2015 Running Sand retrieved it from The concealed diamond Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium   Visit Log

retrieved during the diamant trail.

Dropped Off 04/18/2015 Nightrider007 placed it in The concealed diamond Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 8.24 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 04/12/2015 TooMuddyFeet discovered it   Visit Log

Diesen Trackable / copin bei dem Event in Belgien gesehen, gute Reise.

Discovered It 04/12/2015 DIDICAR discovered it   Visit Log

Gezien in de diamantreeks van Pasy!

Discovered It 04/12/2015 Absal0n discovered it   Visit Log

Seen on the Brugse Beer V. Thank you for sharing!

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