TBHGJ8 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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My mission is to get my picture taken with as many people, in as many places as possible. Please try to make my pictures silly (but family friendly, of course!)
Hi! I'm TinyTGB, a tiny version of "The Green Bag" - a traveling handbag made from a beautiful flowery green dress. The real TGB has had its picture taken all over the world.
States That TinyTGB Has Visited
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Grabbed this from a spot high above the Mississippi. Who knows where it will take us?
We didn't get the Tiny TGB all the way back to Iowa, but thought it would enjoy a little time overlooking the mighty Mississippi at this stunning overlook.
Picked the tiny green bag up at Pickwick Dam and posed for a picture with two crazy Trubadors at Grandma's house in Tennessee. Now, we'll take it up north to Iowa for a winter in the heartland.
picked this up today. it had been sitting for a long time, we will drop it in a state that it has not visited yet. nice little bag , i know the dress must have been very pretty.
I'll move this bug north soon.
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