Asistento Lotrando
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Monday, 30 May 2011
Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia
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In the hands of the owner.
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Tracking History (119025.2mi) View Map
Fifinka took it to 125 Jahre Wilhelm Eichert-Hütte Jubiläumscache
Niederösterreich, Austria
- .36 miles
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Fifinka took it to Hohe Wand - Schneebergbankerl
Niederösterreich, Austria
- .13 miles
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Fifinka took it to NÖ BNW
Niederösterreich, Austria
- 1.15 miles
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Fifinka took it to CM60
Niederösterreich, Austria
- 23.24 miles
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Fifinka took it to Steppe am Stadtrand
Niederösterreich, Austria
- 9.02 miles
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Fifinka took it to Stadtwanderweg 9 - Prater
Wien, Austria
- .18 miles
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Fifinka took it to Praterstern - Virtual Reward 4.0
Wien, Austria
- 1.57 miles
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Fifinka took it to BONUS zum Adventure Lab-Cache "Mexikoplatz"
Wien, Austria
- .76 miles
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Fifinka took it to Keilschrift reloaded
Wien, Austria
- .05 miles
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Fifinka took it to Vienna International Center - UNO City
Wien, Austria
- .31 miles
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data on this page is cached for 3 mins