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Travel Bug Dog Tag *Pilger- Bug* Jacobsweg -> Santiago de Compostela!

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Thursday, 02 September 2010
Niedersachsen, Germany
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In the hands of carloscanais.

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Current Goal

Dieser Pilger Bug möchte nach Santiago de Compostela/ Spanien pilgern!

...und zwar möglichst auf Pilgerpfaden, soweit  vorhanden!

Auf jeden Fall sollte er VOR Andrè aus Goslar/ Germany in Santiago eintreffen!

Andrè kommt nach Santiago de Compostela  im Mai 2012

also möglichst bis APRIL/ Mitte Mai 2012 in einen dieser Caches legen:

Please add it to one of these following caches in Santiago de Compostela till april/ may 2012:

Paseo polo Sarela
San Lourenzo


Die anderen Caches dort vor Ort sind sonst zu klein....

The othere nearby caches are only micro ones...


Fotos der Reise sind willkommen! Please send pictures from this journey!

¡Muchas gracias!

Este Travel Bug quiere peregrinar a Santiago de Compostela/España!

En lo posible en los caminos de Santiago de toda Europa.En todo caso debe arribar en Santiago ante André de Goslar/Alemania, que tambien quiere peregrinar a Santiago de Compostela en abril/mayo 2012.Asi, por favor, poned el Travel-Bug en el cache „San Lourenzo“ o el cache „Paseo polo Sarela“, o otros caches, que son bastante grandes.

Buen Camino !


About This Item

Der Pilger Bug

Na, da bin ich gespannt, ob das klappt! :-)

Gallery Images related to *Pilger- Bug* Jacobsweg -> Santiago de Compostela!

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Tracking History (19685.3mi) View Map

Discovered It 01/26/2018 amtg discovered it   Visit Log

From the Geocoin Fest 2012! Thanks!

Visited 01/22/2017 carloscanais took it to Monte Brasil - O Pico das Cruzinhas Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal   Visit Log
Visited 01/21/2017 carloscanais took it to Monte Brasil - O Pico das Cruzinhas Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal - 10.96 miles  Visit Log
Visited 01/20/2017 carloscanais took it to AZGTJ - Translant Chess Cache Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal - 990.3 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/02/2016 carloscanais took it to Parabéns!! Coimbra, Portugal - 931.99 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 08/30/2016 PALHOCOSMACHADO discovered it   Visit Log

Visto com um amigo geocacher.

Retrieve It from a Cache 08/24/2016 carloscanais retrieved it from "VIDA POR VIDA" Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal   Visit Log

gonna take this pilgrimm bug to somewhere closer to Spain, probably at a cache that's in the route to Santiago :)

Dropped Off 08/18/2016 Ouriços Cacheiros placed it in "VIDA POR VIDA" Arquipélago dos Açores, Portugal - 933.64 miles  Visit Log

You stay here now, in this beautiful island for a nice vacation.

Retrieve It from a Cache 07/30/2016 Ouriços Cacheiros retrieved it from Antigo Poboado Galicia, Spain   Visit Log

We suppose that you've already been to Santiago. We'll take you somewhere else.

Dropped Off 07/22/2016 Coruja placed it in Antigo Poboado Galicia, Spain - .12 miles  Visit Log
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