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Travel Bug Dog Tag pepe

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Sunday, 05 March 2006
Ontario, Canada
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Pépé veut voyager le plus possible durant sa vie.

Pépé wants to travel as more as possible during his life.

About This Item

Pépé the Old Man

Pépé est vieux et frileux, svp le laisser dans son sac Ziploc!

Pépé is old and chilly, please leave him in his Ziploc bag!

Gallery Images related to pepe

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Tracking History (7959.2mi) View Map

Discovered It 10/20/2018 Scharfzähne discovered it   Visit Log

Für eine Challenge benötige ich mehr discoverte TBs als Cache Funde. Daher logge ich jetzt mal alle Listen, die noch so bei mir herumliegen, nach.

Diese habe ich beim Geburtstagsevent von Goetzebaecker gesehen.

Discovered It 09/19/2018 Pe+Di discovered it   Visit Log

Internet only :-(

Discovered It 01/21/2018 OpaPeter discovered it   Visit Log

Auf dem Geburtstags Event in Laudenau gesehen

Discovered It 06/11/2016 Irisatko discovered it   Visit Log

Dělám úklid ve fotkách. Opisuji a loguji TB vyfocené za posledních víc než 13 let různě po eventech a keších, kódy z logbooků, ze seznamů zveřejněných na eventech a podobně. Děkuji

Discovered It 06/11/2016 nimir discovered it   Visit Log

I'm cleaning in the photos. I describe and log TBs photographed in the last more than 13 years variously after events and caches, codes from logbooks, from lists published at events and the like. Thank you

Dropped Off 05/09/2009 quattroF placed it in Kojeticky lom Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 7.64 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 04/22/2009 quattroF retrieved it from Prvni Melnicka Multikes Středočeský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

Nice toy. Out twins are happy for it.

Dropped Off 03/21/2009 wostok placed it in Prvni Melnicka Multikes Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 11.34 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 03/14/2009 wostok retrieved it from Vratenska hora / Vratenska mountain Středočeský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

On the way to northern Bohemia.

Dropped Off 03/14/2009 Orikus placed it in Vratenska hora / Vratenska mountain Středočeský kraj, Czechia - 19.97 miles  Visit Log
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