Sleutelhanger TB
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Friday, 15 July 2011
Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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In the hands of gunasdascaches.
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Reizen en sleutelhangers verzamelen.
To travel and collect key-chains.
Sleutelhangers vind je in bijna elke cache. Deze TB verzamelt ze. Zie je een leuke en heb jezelf een leuke, dan wil deze TB graag met je ruilen. Je mag hem er natuurlijk ook gewoon aan hangen en er een foto van maken.
Keychains can be found in nearly every cache. This TB collects them. If you see a nice one and you have a nice one, this TB will happely trade with you. Offcourse you can also attach one to it and take a picture of it.
Gallery Images related to Sleutelhanger TB
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Tracking History (48748.9mi) View Map
gunasdascaches took it to Porto, a Cidade Invicta #21
Porto, Portugal
- 1.03 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to Porto, a Cidade Invicta #11
Porto, Portugal
- .97 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to Porto, a Cidade Invicta #08
Porto, Portugal
- 25.28 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to Visita ao Terminal de Cruzeiros de Matosinhos II
Porto, Portugal
- 23.58 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to Challenge Fernão de Magalhães
Braga, Portugal
- .43 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to Fojo de Fão
Braga, Portugal
- .9 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to O descanso do pirata La Buse
Braga, Portugal
- 1.3 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to Bónus - LabCaches pelo Estuário do Cávado
Braga, Portugal
- 1.95 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to Coreto do Bom Jesus
Braga, Portugal
- .94 miles
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gunasdascaches took it to Estuário do rio Cávado
Braga, Portugal
- 28.01 miles
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