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Golden Horns Geocoin GULDHORNENE

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Frutzen Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
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Unknown Location

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Current Goal

Guldhornene skal helt til Østrig. Den skal nærmere bestemt til Salzburg og besøge to cacher: Festung Hohen Salzburg (GCZAD1) og MIRABELLGARTEN (GC20YGX) og derefter tilbage igen til en af FRUTZENs cacher i Danmark, så jeg kan samle ham op og lege med ham. Venlig hilsen, Valdemar (5½ år)

The Golden Horns will travel all the way to Austria. It must be specified to Salzburg and visit cache: Festung Hohen Salzburg (GCZAD1) and cache: Mirabellgarten (GC20YGX) and then back again to one of FRUTZENs caches in Denmark, so I can pick him up again and play with him. Sincerely, Valdemar (5 ½ years)

About This Item


Valdemar har bestemt tre missioner for tre trackables og selv sendt dem af sted fra sine cacher i Danmark.

Valdemar has given three missions to three trackables and sent them off from his caches in Denmark.

Gallery Images related to GULDHORNENE

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Tracking History (4179.9mi) View Map

Mark Missing 05/31/2014 Frutzen marked it as missing   Visit Log

The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

Write note 01/17/2013 CT2JPN posted a note for it   Visit Log

Esta TB não se encontra na cache GC16555. Alguém a levou e nao registou.

This TB is not in the cache GC16555. Someone took her and not recorded.

This entry was edited by CT2JPN on Thursday, 17 January 2013 at 23:51:10 UTC.

Discovered It 08/11/2012 Joca&Luisa discovered it   Visit Log

Vista na cache de "Castro das Caldas [Gondizalves]

Discovered It 08/11/2012 dpainem discovered it   Visit Log

Vista a sair da cache "Castro das Caldas [Gondizalves] - .

Discovered It 08/10/2012 Cache-cool discovered it   Visit Log

Vista na cache "Castro das Caldas" [Gondizalves]

Dropped Off 08/08/2012 22vasco22 placed it in Castro das Caldas [Gondizalves] Braga, Portugal - 1.18 miles  Visit Log
Visited 08/01/2012 22vasco22 took it to parque manutenção de celeiros Braga, Portugal - 1.19 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/19/2012 22vasco22 took it to Mina dos Mouros Braga, Portugal - .79 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/19/2012 22vasco22 took it to Trava-línguas Braga, Portugal - 2.09 miles  Visit Log
Visited 07/12/2012 22vasco22 took it to Robin dos Bosques - TP23 [Famalicão] Braga, Portugal - 5.44 miles  Visit Log
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