TB4Q4A4 [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Hi! I would like to travel from lake to lake. My owner would appreciate it very much if you take a picture of me near the lake en place it with your log. Finally I would like to travel to a lake near Amersfoort, The Netherlands
No additional details available.
Gallery Images related to Turtle Tartaruga TravelTurtleView All 18 Gallery Images
The owner has set this Trackable as missing.
The cache that contained this TB has been muggled. I have no information about where the TB is, so I have to assume that it has been permently lost.
CO for Paddeland.
I left it here with its friends, the toads.
Lagt i paddeland. Put in toadland.
Found this at Deepwater at Hornindal Lake. Plan to move it Toadland.
Now this litle fellow has traveled with me accross Norway to europes deepest lake, hope someone her can bring it one step closer (or further) to its goal
Collected this tb and hope to find a cachlocation at europes deapest lake :)
La igjen i Kjerkesjøen
taking it to the next lake
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